Whew! Thanks for the coverage and all the links.

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Good summary David. Per the detailed reporting of Vaughn Hillyard over the last 24 hours, Fake Elector & defendant, TYLER BOYER, is the COO of a Trump front, "Turning Point USA" which has essentially replaced the AZ R's for more MAGA mayhem in 2024. The Grand Jury indictment takes a number of Turning Point USA operatives OFF the field -- sort of a turning point in AZ politics.

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Thank you David for a great MM.

SCOTUS? Oh boy!

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Excellent as always. TPM is one of the news and news analysis sources I read daily. I especially appreciated the info about the AZ fake electors indictments (AZ resident here!) and the thorough explanation of the Idaho abortion case in the Supreme Court.

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Here he is, yet again, "Individual-1", making dual appearances out of the Dick Nixon playbook: Unindicted co-conspirator! Two indictments, two states, and *ecce homo*.

Bad look, tRump.

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Also, regarding tRump's "unindicted co-conspirator" status, legal commentators are asking, "Why?" Why isn't tRump named as an active co-conspirator and joined to the indictment? Well, from today's SCOTUS hearing on the presidential immunity question, there was mention of *state and local* prosecution of a former president, and whether those prosecutions have more of an "immunity" argument than would *federal* prosecution. Thus, tRump's claim for immunity in the GA trial - not a subject of today's Court hearing, but indirectly so - may eventually surface in his favor, given the apparent skepticism by the right-wing Justices toward the DC case, where "official acts" seem to have great latitude, and "fear of unjust prosecution" of ex-presidents by entities other than the feds was offered up as a reason for "partial" or "qualified" immunity.

Why indict at the state level if a SCOTUS majority has or would grant immunity from such a prosecution?

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I remain distressed by the impression being given by the media that every student protestor must be Pro Hamas and antisemitic. Some of the leaders have embraced Post Colonial theory (in my view, way too broadly) and have yelled inflammatory things, but to say that all the students necessarily embrace such things is rather like saying that if a Weatherman spoke at an anti-Vietnam rally, everyone there must approved of bombs as a form of protest. We have plenty of interviews with Jewish students about their fears on campus (some of whom don't fear being on campus) but I have yet to see one that interviews Muslim students about the same thing.

I am pro Palestinian and deplore Hamas's terrorism. I am anti Bibi and buddies which does not make me antisemitic. I do not deny the rise in antisemitism (and Islamophobia) in the US, but it is alongside a huge rise in basic racism and outright persecution of LGBTQ folks. I attribute the rise much more to Trump's permission to his followers to let their worst feelings hang out in the open--feelings that have always lurked here but for a long time were simply not shouted aloud during the brief period this country has had of agreeing that basic civility in public is the norm. The Oct 7 war was a trigger for this recent rise, but not, I believe, the cause.

I repeat as I have said over and over and over: Overgeneralization is the thought crime of our era. To see it being applied to reach a policy decision or a tactical decision is way scarier than anything even a Pro Hamas student could say.

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Democrats need to force $CROTUS contraction/expansion or acquiesce to reversing 150 years of progress. If there's another way I don't see it.

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NYT framing the college protests as "order vs chaos", where 1st Amendment rights are secondary to the greater philosophical distinctions, whatever. Anybody supporting the rights of Palestinians, either in Gaza, the West Bank, or in general, can be prepared to be labeled "anti-Semitic", virtually by definition, and one heartily endorsed by Netanyahu and his US enablers. And as such, the protesters have "forfeited" any right of free expression, and should be dealt with severely by the powers of the state.

You know, there is a definite line between civil disobedience and peaceful assembly, but NOT according to Columbia administrators, the police, and right-wing politicos. Vietnam War redux...oy vey.

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I'm increasingly worried about this $COTUS immunity case. I can't see how they would remain a valid court after gifting that criminal with immunity.

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Re: Idaho and EMTALA....in yesterday's SCOTUS hearing, both Alito and Gorsuch seized upon language in EMTALA that "suggested" - you know - "fetal personhood", with its reference to "a pregnant woman...and her unborn child", the latter being the preferred term used by anti-abortionists in trying to secure fetal "rights". SG Prelogar tried to intercept this line of reasoning, and it will be interesting to see whether that particular reading will be entered into the final Court decision, either as a minority dissent, or in a majority opinion.

Every time this Court hears a case involving a potential abortion, the far-right amongst them try their damnedest to consecrate "fetal personhood", never mind that a fetus - or even a fertilized ovum - was not the original subject of a suit brought before the Court. At this point, the Court is about one vote away from declaring "fetal personhood", and perhaps even echoing the AL Supreme Court's IVF decision...perilous times for women's reproductive rights, any way one looks at it.

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