Fact is the media has always held Democrats to a way higher standard than Republicans. The very idea that a man who served 24 years in the National Guard is somehow cowardly next to a guy who served a few years as a journalist. Not only did justdumb never see combat he never helped anybody either the way Walz did in the National Guard. Not to mention cadet bone spurs. Every time media publishes anything about Walz's service they ought to include what justdumb did and for how long and the fact that t***p's daddy bought a doctor's excuse for him.

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Weirdo JD’s story is also factually false. Lying is what they do, and then the media amplifies that.

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The headline writer is mistaken. The political press did not fall for the phony swift boat attack. They signed on for it. They are complicit.

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The WaPo is becoming unreadable.

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Aug 8Liked by David Kurtz

Yep. It’s shameful. Thank you for pointing it out. Maybe they will get an earful from readers..maybe, some fine day, they will get the message. In the meantime, thanks for you guys at TPM.

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Bill Mauldin described JD "In the rear, with the gear" Vance 80 years ago in "Up Front."

"A garritrooper is too close to the front to wear a tie, but too far to the rear to worry about being shot at."

Corporal Six Months In Air Conditioned Comfort In Iraq is a "Garritrooper." The technical term in Vietnam was REMF (Rear Echelon Mother Fu - - er)

Now we know how he got to be such a hack writer - six months learning from the best how to polish the general's turds.

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This perhaps can be considered a rhetorical question: when Pres. Biden said in the interview that he is NOT confident at all of a peaceful transfer of power should djt lose -- is anyone listening?

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lThe tRump campaign has decided to rein in their boy for some much needed therapy/intervention after his series of public and SM meltdowns, so they put a plane at Hillbilly's disposal, and he's now trolling the Harris-Walz rallies across the country. In between wandering around the tarmac looking for a fight, Hillbilly is also. attacking Tim Walz's NG record, all the 24yrs he put into it. Hillbilly - a noncombat media assignment for a few months in Iraq, and he's shitting on Walz's record?

But, as David says, the MSM gulled again, and are happily following Hillbilly's accusations down the Swiftboat rabbit hole.

The Kerry service-record trashing paid off because the US was during wartime, and people's sensitivities about politicians' war records was probably heightened...not the case today, and nobody wants to reprise the Iraq War, full stop.

Prediction: The Walz NG "story" dies within a couple of days, as other events inevitably grab the spotlight.

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Kamala's heckler takedown is EPIC!

Here's the link:


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Yes! She handled it perfectly!

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Hate to stay on brand and be a bummer but the establishment news media have learned nothing not since 2004 but in the past forty+ years.The reporters know the facts about what they're reporting but what gets written or produced is what the owners and people at the top want, which nearly only coincidentally the truth.

In the case of Vance's attack sooo much of the crap spewing from Team Trump is just repeating empty cliches to effect a Pavlovian response from the base. In Kerry's case, he was some sort of war hero IIRC or otherwise with a story to be shat on and Kerry didn't respond in any appropriate way. Notwithstanding that I doubt that Walz has any sort of story like Kerry's, I have no doubt that Walz will respond fully appropriately.

As for the mainstream news media, if y'all think the business is in bad shape now, wait another generation. There's a limited, shrinking market for complete BS which is what they choose to produce.

And you can take as a plug to toss 💵 to TPM which, in a word, is a corrective to that societally harmful garbage.

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Love your column! But please, stop using X for videos. We don’t need to support That Other Guy.

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