The Biden Administration will NOT stand by passively if in the event of a clear and definitive Harris-Walz electoral win, several states try divers dodges or transgressions of election laws to in any way jeopardize post-election certification of the Dem ticket's victory. Biden has made it crystal-clear the tRump/MAGA threat to democratic processes, and he, the DOJ, US Attorneys, armadas of election lawyers, etc., will be suited up and ready to rumble in the LIKELY event of election interference, of that there is NO doubt at all, IMHO.

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I hope the DOJ also publicizes the appropriate penalties well in advance so the players can consider whether they REALLY want to sacrifice themselves this time around, pardon or no pardon.

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Probably a Me problem but I find the GOP’s successful and ongoing efforts to make the US on state and national levels a one party (fascist) state more concerning than Trump’s desire to use the military like a personal SS. Related to that, the former has already been happening, the latter remains the fantasy of a pathological, subhuman albeit electable monster.

As for the Times’ piece: regrettably, it’s the exception to the rule, the rule being that reporting on presidential candidate hacked emails somehow has shifted since 2016. Back then the disseminator of the leaks was irrelevant, now it’s a bar to reporting on the substance of the emails. Incredible, right? Or at least a mystery. Also apparently irrelevant or at least of no concern to what CJR told me this morning is a non-partisan political press* is that odds are that there’s likely to be substantive stuff in Trump’s emails far beyond what was in Clinton’s. (*No cite for same provided.)

Meanwhile, re my bete noire, this:


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The photo of Trump holding the Bible is a classic. Take a good look and tell me how any American can be ignorant enough to think that this guy should be given the most powerful position in the world again.

The face of a 2-year old toddler throwing a tantrum. The obvious awkwardness of holding such an alien object in his hands.

Please convince me that people aren't stupid enough to vote for this guy again.

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All I can say is if Trump is elected (which he won’t be) or the election is thrown to the House or Supreme Court and they appoint Trump as President (which could happen if his Trump-appointed judges and MAGA appointed election workers are successful), all Hell will break loose. There will be massive protests across the United States. On day one, Trump will use an executive order to direct the military the stop the protests (even peaceful protests) using force if necessary. Military commanders, appointed by the last administration will have to make a decision whether to obey Trump’s order or protect the Constitution (think General Mark A Milley). Those that don’t obey the order will be immediately relieved of duty and will be court martialed. Those commanders who support Trump will be immediately promoted and will direct the troops to use force to stop the protests. Lawsuits will fly. The courts will split into pro-trump/anti-trump camps while protests turn into riots. Trump will order curfews. Everything will stop - mass work stoppages will shut down business and the economy. Where it goes from there, my imagination runs out of steam. Perhaps others can add….

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I will note only that it is against the UCMJ to obey an order that is against the law. No exceptions.

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Thank you for a very thorough & important MM. It continues to stagger the mind: in a country of so many educated people who are eligible to vote, it is somehow "breaking news" or a "scoop" that Voight, djt, and allies intend military control of the domestic US population. Were we not warned by others [Milley, Esper come to mind] years earlier? How is it that these numerous, educated, eligible voters continue to expect "suits using handshakes" over the electoral results post-11/5? Maybe a Me problem, although my fear is it is not.

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Such good reporting; I am going to listen again

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Trump is a handsome dowager.

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Trump better looking than

Kamala Harris? Has he looked

in a mirror lately; Dorian Gray!

Kamala Harris shines! 🌴🥥

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