Some good news for Rhode Islanders. Our Democrat Attorney General, Peter Neronha, assured us that RI ban on bump stocks will continue.

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If Trump-installed Amy Coney Barrett starts to side with the less conservative Justices based on her stand on women's rights or even more youth-oriented concerns, the GOP may want to be careful what they wish for when choosing candidate qualifications for SCOTUS positions.

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SCOTUS: See what the Prez & Congress made us do? Obviously, history shows us that to decide otherwise leads to chaos.

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I take it, David, that you are hoping for the best but planning for the worst from the Supremes on convicted felon tRump's plea for immunity - *absolute* immunity, actually. My sense is they will split on so-called "official acts" vs "unofficial acts", and that it will be down to the trial judge's interpretation of which is which...all decisions subject to - yes, further appeal.

The decision, IMHO, will not negate the overall indictment of tRump, but create *some* distinctions between overt criminal acts as "candidate" tRump and those *protected* acts as "president" tRump, regardless of being deemed criminal in the indictment. It will be messy, and guarantees a messy trial, which after all is tRump's key objective, and one cannot gainsay that he and his lawyers hit their numbers.

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If SCOTUS grants immunity in

any form, Cannon will

attempt to dismiss the

documents case.

Canning is a great way to

preserve some vegetables

and fruits. They do have an

expiration date though and

200+ years is well beyond

that. But, just wow! 200+ yrs!

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