Good morning, David, and some not-so-surprising "good news for tRump" coming from Fort Pierce, FL, where tRump's favorite judge, Aileen Cannon, has just dismissed the entirety of the stolen docs case, buying the tRump argument that SC Smith was "unconstitutionally installed", and therefore any legal action resulting from his appointment …
Good morning, David, and some not-so-surprising "good news for tRump" coming from Fort Pierce, FL, where tRump's favorite judge, Aileen Cannon, has just dismissed the entirety of the stolen docs case, buying the tRump argument that SC Smith was "unconstitutionally installed", and therefore any legal action resulting from his appointment is null and void.
One hopes that Jack Smith files an appeal, but this "winning" argument now surely will be filed as a motion in the DC obstructions case, which itself has taken a body blow in the SCOTUS immunity decision.
This thieving insurrectionist and rapist just can't lose for winning, can he?
I believe the DC Circuit has controlling precedent that such appointments are indeed constitutional. It may get to SCROTUS, but right now Chutkan is perfectly justified in turning such a motion down flat.
Don't forget that Clarence Thomas, in his "Immunity" opinion, questioned strongly the constitutionality of Special Prosecutor/Counsel appointments, and that opened the door for the Cannon order to dismiss. Sure, this SC business will reach SCOTUS, but I hesitate
to predict which way the far-right majority will vote.
Good morning, David, and some not-so-surprising "good news for tRump" coming from Fort Pierce, FL, where tRump's favorite judge, Aileen Cannon, has just dismissed the entirety of the stolen docs case, buying the tRump argument that SC Smith was "unconstitutionally installed", and therefore any legal action resulting from his appointment is null and void.
One hopes that Jack Smith files an appeal, but this "winning" argument now surely will be filed as a motion in the DC obstructions case, which itself has taken a body blow in the SCOTUS immunity decision.
This thieving insurrectionist and rapist just can't lose for winning, can he?
I believe the DC Circuit has controlling precedent that such appointments are indeed constitutional. It may get to SCROTUS, but right now Chutkan is perfectly justified in turning such a motion down flat.
Don't forget that Clarence Thomas, in his "Immunity" opinion, questioned strongly the constitutionality of Special Prosecutor/Counsel appointments, and that opened the door for the Cannon order to dismiss. Sure, this SC business will reach SCOTUS, but I hesitate
to predict which way the far-right majority will vote.
Leave it to Cannon to think a concurring opinion is controlling precedent.