This is the best op-ed I've seen anywhere in a very, very long time. Puts much of my own angst over the last decade into perspective, with the recognition that the larger problem predates Trump going back to the debacle in 2000. I think the vortex that is Trump takes something away from the conditions that made him possible, and we shouldn't lose sight of that in the current chaos.


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Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

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That was so well written. This is a perspective I hadn’t realized until you expressed it here so eloquently. I have felt so much grief over these many years.. and now I know that these “lost years” are a big part of that. Thank our for expressing this so artfully.

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This captures my thoughts and experiences, and those of many other people. Instead of fighting to keep our liberal democracy and the rule of law, we might have been doing so much more. Many of us feel the disappointment, grief, and trauma every day, manifest in our bodies and our minds.

Thanks for writing and sharing this, David.

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David, this is the finest piece I've read of yours since I became a TPM member long ago. Well done! And thank you for putting into words the thoughts than I and many others have about these developments. Bravo!

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Such a poignant and beautifully written piece that captures this fraught time. I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive my countrymen who seek to destroy our democracy—to this day. They won’t stop until they are stopped. Merrick Garland didn’t seem to appreciate when it mattered. In fact his hesitancy gave fuel to the enemies within. His DOJ should have prosecuted the election interference case from the get go.

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excellent point about lost opportunity costs. We have all been so focused on the backward plunge of our country that we too often forget what we could have done otherwise.

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Marvellous essay, sir...well spoken! And now, for something different: a word from the felon himself...

"I'm charged with felonies...can you believe it?"

No, moron, you're convicted of felonies...get it? You're a convicted felon, see?

The surprise is it should have happened years ago to this career criminal, who - until two years ago - got away with it. Well, after losing three civil suits involving defamation, sexual assault - aka rape, massive tax and business fraud, the mook finally gets his in a criminal trial and conviction. There's your definition of a stone-cold loser, QED.

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Thank you for your words David. They are true, sobering, even terrifying, but you said them with hope and grace.

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Well said, David. The jury of 12 did their job, and I'm proud and grateful to them, to Judge Merchan, and to the prosecutors for doing their work well with the dignity and solemnity that was warranted.

Thank you for the Morning Memo.

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Thanks for putting such eloquent & powerful words to the rolling boil of frustration, regret, grief, disappointment & disbelief I’ve been struggling with the last 8 years, along with this terrible sense of having failed my kids & granddaughter- & the rest of their generations- by “letting” the Trump dumpster fire even happen. I hope yesterday was a step in the right direction at least, & that it’s the first of many. There’s so much ground to make up

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What an awful, decadent putative democracy that someone who's based his career -- over fifty years now -- on being above the law and ceaseless pulling of shit is held accountable and we're stunned by it. Same but less so: doubting my fellow New Yorkers being able to nail him. (Of course, the Carroll juries should have been a strong sign that even with a disgraceful, Trump DINO mayor, metro NYC isn't Trump country. (SDNY juries include residents from some of the suburbs.))

A little more, but pure, hopium with that: there's no way the entire verdict will be tossed during the course of the appellate process. Trump is and will go to his grave* a convicted felon. (*Yes, gonna go there: ASAP.)

That said, today's post was wonderful but sad AF that it could be written if you know what I mean. Then again, one of the nation's problems is becoming aware of the scope of its shortcomings and coming to terms with it.

Oh, BTW: of course when Trump and his supporters have cried about voter fraud, we know they're projecting -- mass gerrymandering, Shelby County, etc. But their leader just convicted for actual voter fraud.

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Great essay. Thanks. And thanks for taking on the work.

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Dear Mr. Kurtz, You have written a piece with all of the things I think about wrapped up in it. You have fully articulated the concerns that I and my friends share. All the things that "could have been". Opportunities squandered. Lives lost. Thank you for your poignant writing.

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Well stated. Thank you.

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David, you expressed so completely and eloquently exactly what I feel. The lost opportunities and lost ground especially are hard to take; however, I sincerely believe that we will come out of this with our democracy intact. Eventually.

Please don’t despair; your voice is so important. People like you and Joyce Vance and others give us perspective we use to pay it forward exponentially.

Thank you for what you do.

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