I really dislike having spent my life living under the curse (that is neither ancient nor Chinese, but is very definitely still a curse): "May you live in *interesting* times."

But please keep doing exactly as you are, David.

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Thank you David for a good Morning Memo.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

Love the newsletter but is there another source of information we could use than Twitter? I don’t like getting Twitter links everyday. I won’t support that corporation. Thanks for the links to BlueSky.

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ABC News is afraid of Trump.

"Fiery" describes MLK's "I have a dream" speech, not the ravings of the psychotic Trump.

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Yet more parsing of a tRump rally line..."bloodletting". But does it really matter? Why this late in the post-2016 public tRump is there still questions about "what he REALLY meant when he said....yadda-yadda?". Sure, report the shit, but why bother with the painful exegesis, pu-lease!

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Then there is this, lifted from a JVL piece in "The Bulwark":

"My God—the Times practically did [say] “Pence refuses to endorse Trump, here’s why that’s bad for Biden.” WTF?

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Say whatever you want to about how well the establishment media reported on Trump’s statements over the weekend but they mean nothing and are absolutely no value til it becomes the rule, not the exception, specially when the exceptions come over the weekend.

BTW: were said media to care (they don’t) the answer is never to carry any of Trump’s statements live unless/until he’s restored to office. Assess the statement, edit as warranted, provide proper framing and factchecking.

Again, the hard part there is caring to do it, the rest is just SOP.

As for global warming,nothing close to what’s needed is going to happen til the Powers That Be see it as a matter to be addressed to the degree necessary sorry.

I’m really quiet these days, huh?

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