This death by a thousand cuts is terrifying, we need a national strike. Better now than when we are all Hungary and homeless. Why has Elon’s money become so valuable?

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"Why has Elon’s money become so valuable?"

Because there's so much of it.

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"Hungary and homeless" - great pun!

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Even my editor is on strike 😡

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Is there a good reason why Martin can’t be disciplined by the DC Bar committee on professional standards? His actions are way outside the bounds of legal ethics.

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"Tariff exemptions"...highly co-ordinated with affected industry CEOs stumping up $5mn per head at MAL for "featured dinners with the president". Corruption?, corruption?...we don't see no stinkin' corruption!

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“President Trump has still not disclosed the names of the donors who paid for his transition planning, despite a public pledge to do so.”

Shit. I'm still waiting to see his 2015 taxes, despite a public pledge to do so...

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Seeing his medical records would be nice.

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Ed Martin is a legend in his own mind.

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Yet more condolences to David for another slog through the sewage of the vile and insane and sadistic, filtered though the complete failure to hold Trump and the rest accountable or — better — just impede and block him.

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So now the rethuglican

senate has a speed dial

to MuskRat, who IS NOT

an ELECTED anything in

our government, to

handle financial

problems! 53 rat licking

cowards! Mikey Johnson

already talks to

MuskRat, only a matter

of time before all the

rethuglican house

abdicates. SHAME!

DOGE doesn't know

what the heck it's doing

and they are NOT

elected to our

government either.

Do we even have an

effective government of,

by and for the people

anymore? Asking for a


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While I enjoy reading TPM, I am frustrated that if I click on a link that is labeled with a category rather than a source, I may find myself redirected to the Washington Post or the New York Times, both of which I canceled my subscriptions to in protest of their right-wing censorship. I can avoid staring at an inaccessible article if these substack redirects were more clearly labeled.

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I don't know what web browser you use but I use Firefox and uBlock Origin extension and I just set filters to block sites that I don't want to connect with, e.g. twitter and meta.

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