The Trump campaign and the media are still treating the hack of the Trump campaign as an attack by Iran (because the Trump campaign says so). That might be true, but the facts are ambiguous. Microsoft reported to the Trump campaign that an Iranian group attempted to hack the Trump campaign in June. Per the WaPo, the only entity that has confirmed the hack was by Iran is the Trump campaign—which lies about everything. If the Iranians are using an AOL email account to cover their hack, they have a keen sense of American culture, history, and humor.

WaPo has possessed the leaked materials for three days. It has not published or described their contents—unlike its treatment of the hacked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign or the contents of Hunter Biden’s stolen laptop.

The editor-in-chief of Semafor and former New York Times columnist Ben Smith is a prime example. He tweeted, with a straight face,

“Hopefully (seriously) Trump will benefit from what the media learned in 2016, when it got played by state-sponsored hackers into publishing a drip-drip of Clinton information on the hackers’ schedule.

“Which is to say — journalists can/should report seriously on real documents that shed light on real stories, but should also foreground the hackers’ motives and not publish personal information gratuitously. And, in general, not treat a drip-drip of random documents as hot scoops.”

In other words, in order to benefit Trump in this year’s election, the media should apply all the “lessons” it learned when it trashed the Democrats in 2016 and again in 2020. Forgive me if I say the mainstream media has zero integrity remaining, and its bias toward Trump is a continuing threat to our democracy.

Why did the “hacker” send the material to Politico, which is now part of the Axel Springer media empire owned by pro-Trump billionaire Mathias Döpfner?? Döpfner himself is Rupert Murdoch-lite in Europe; his media is like Fox News. To give a sense of how much of a Trumper he is, right before the 2020 election, Döpfner urged executives from his media empire to put Donald Trump in their prayers. Döpfner said of Trump,“No American administration in the last 50 years has done more.”

So, a company owned by this guy is the one “Iranian intelligence” sends negative material on Trump to??? And after three weeks of no action by Politico, the hacker goes to the Washington Post which… also sat on the story? And the NYT - which also sat on the story? According to Politico, they talked to the Trump campaign to authenticate the hacked documents - and Trump didn’t immediately inform the FBI?

What’s disturbing is that the press will take a pass on a story like this if Trump could be harmed, while they exhibit no restraint or journalistic integrity when it’s the Democratic nominee who will suffer.

And Trump himself pointed out that the campaign suffers from "low self-esteem leakers." What's the over-under that the "hack" was an inside job, especially since the documents came from the law firm that has defended Trump and his fellow felons in the Florida documents case, among others.

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CNN now saying that the "hack" was through - wait for it - Roger Stone's mobile...LOL!

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Wanting Trump to lose doesn’t make Iran special sorry.

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Thank you David.

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Hillbilly is the gift that keeps on giving...to the Democrats. With the Orange Felon now on a three-week, self-imposed (??) campaign hiatus/intensive golf period, Hillbilly is carrying the load for the ticket, and each appearance he makes only further illustrates the gross, unforced error tRump made in selecting him for the VP slot. The contrast with Tim Walz is off the charts, so sit back and enjoy the cratering of this study in misery which is the tRump-Hillbilly campaign.

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For those readers interested in Putin and Trump’s demise I recommend following the brave journalist John Sweeney. He’s posting great videos of Ukraine’s progress in Russia. He joyfully ends with Vladimir Putin Do Fuck Off #VPDFO 🇺🇦

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"The Nice Men of the Left" is another flavor of the "both sides" narrative. My default mode of supporting gender equality is not some reaction to toxic masculinity. Sorry. I also haven't seen any guys falling over each other. Weird story.

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JD Vance will go along with anything his Orange Boss tells him to do!

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What I’ve been waiting for is … when will the public get to see what’s in the hacked material? I can’t think of a relevant privilege that would actually prevent disclosure.

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Ugh. How long until we get Deep Fake video of Harris saluting Hitler? People need to be prepared for the most disgusting of hoaxes. Now I'm worried about clicking on "Contribute to the campaign" buttons. How do I know its a REAL political money ask?

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ActBlue is safe for candidate

and campaign contributions.

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I wonder if the Trump team behind the scenes implicit and or explicitly threatened these news orgs if they publish this info if he were to become president. The way the press has treated him this cycle could easily be read as trying to not make him too mad or vengeful.

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Apparently, the hack was due to a phishing email. No doubt The Donald got away from his handlers long enough to open an email guaranteeing the hottest Russian porn stars.

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Same thing happened in 2016 with the DNC.

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Let's see the media bothsides THAT!

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