tRump's presidential "immunity" claim for "official acts" BEFORE he was officially elected president has to be the hands-down legal chutzpah filing of this century, bar none. I mean, this defines *frivolous* as it applies to court motions, and if as expected the judge tosses it, does that mean yet more SCOTUS appeals? When will it ever end?

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Good morning David! I need another cup of coffee.

Has anyone been seeing the

ads, sponsored by Google,

for Claremont University to

take courses in the Federalist

Founder's papers?

I want to know how to back the house Trump Party into

a very tight corner now - looking at you Mike Johnson - and force a vote on the floor, for the Senate bipartisan bill for aid to Ukraine. Johnson has refused

to bring it. There has to be

some mechanism, besides

the what? Procedural?


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Discharge petition.

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I’m Pavlovian, I know. David points out delays in Trump Cases®️, I’m incited (😉) to point out that the constant repetition of the accusations against the fPOTUS without any acquittals, the better electorally.

As for presidential immunity in the NYS criminal cases for acts pursuant to an election, please, god, it’s so crazy I don’t think there’s five votes for it on SCOTUS.

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Further proof the Trump-Republican Party is the Enemy of America

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taking over the RNC is not the 1st glimpse of trumps’s world, his kind of world; he showed us back in 2016.

i want to know why ivanka, jared, eric, and don jr were allowed to have made-up positions back 2016. how was nepotism allowed IN THE WHITE HOUSE? why was it allowed? why was there no pushback?

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Watched Hur laugh along with Matt Gaetz characterizing Biden misstatements as lies…so gross. Will you please deep dive on True The Vote org (Cleta, Lindell) attempt to steal 2024. They seem very annoyed at Garland doubling the size of DOJ Civil Rights Division, which gives me some hope their plan in swing state won’t prevail, but I worry they may have a SCOTUS strategy to help install 47.

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