So refreshing to see at least SOMEONE point out the most important story in the history of human civilization, even if it was only one sentence and a screenshot. We set the all time recorded highest plantery temperature, due to continuing to pull stored carbon out of the earth and burning it in the atmosphere.

I do love how TPM is setting down the historical record about the rise and threat of US fascism. It's important - it is.

But none of this is going to matter at all in 50 years. We are going to blow past 1.5C very soon, which will cause massive disruption, which we're already starting to see. 2.0C will be much worse, and it's now inevitable because of our inaction. 2.0C WILL be a significant drop in almost all our standards of living (except the extremely wealthy). 3.0C will be catastrophic and likely the end of existing governments, and it's looking more and more likely, as the planet's warming feedback loops start kicking in. We have been warned for decades about it. Now it's here.

We need someone to start documenting that we KNEW we were committing global societal suicide and we did nothing to stop it.

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Yep. It’s the one thing that makes me glad I’m old.

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Same. 😞

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It's madness that the fate of the entire world lies in the hands of a few greedy politicians.

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Jul 25Liked by David Kurtz

Your chronicling of the rise and threat of fascistic brutality in US is a service to all.

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Will we EVER really know the causative agent of tRump's nicked ear from his rally shooting? Who's holding that info, and why hadn't it been released? And, NO, the recent comments by "Dr" Ronny Jackson, tRump's "personal physician" , that the .227 bullet did it I'm afraid doesn't pass the smell test.

Sorry, but this is more and more a case of myth-making and tRumpian BS than actual facts...what a surprise.

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Jul 26Liked by David Kurtz

I wonder how many will catch your Robert Frost allusion. Maybe not the point you wanted us to take away today, but it caught my eye.

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Bill Barr is BAAACk...the NYT has a long story on La Famiglia Murdoch, and how Rupert is trying to rejigger what was once an irrevocable trust naming all four children equally as his heirs by instead appointing Lachlan as Capo dei capi, to ensure hard-right bent of his media properties after Rupert dies. Naturally, the other children are pissed, and it's gone to court. Guess who's representing Rupert in his scheme to alter the trust? Yes, indeed, Bill Barr. Opportunity calls, Barr answers.

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Harris triggers all of them, Trump on down, and I f***ing love it.

Too: cast my first vote by tossing in a pittance of 💸.

However this all plays out, the Rs will have to really work hard. Of course, that would have to start with controlling that being triggered thing and even that’s beyond them.

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Four years ago, I posted the poem “September 1, 1939” by WH Auden on my social media.

I am a trained historian who specializes in the Holocaust, which by definition includes fascism and authoritarianism and dictatorship and persecution and just… all of it. And the parallels were clear and frightening then.

Today I’d like to share another WH Auden poem. Like you, I want to place a marker showing that we knew the dangers, and we didn’t sleepwalk into it. We tried, and we did all we could in service of preventing a disaster for our country and our world. It is “Crisis” and was published in September 1939 in The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2019/04/crisis-a-poem-by-w-h-auden/586315/

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Years ago, the late, unlamented Sen. Joe McCarthy, in one of his rants on the Senate floor, referred to the Soviet Union as a "brutalitarian state", a rather clever neologism I thought at the time - well, clever for his purposes.

So, ca. 70 years later, I find the term "brutalitarian" a perfect term when describing a tRump Mark II regime fueled by Project 2025, as that's exactly the sort of authoritarian state that is previsioned, and that will be brought into existence if this monster is put back into power.

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For reasons that are probably peculiar to me, I have been focused to the point of borderline obsessiveness on helping to create a historical record that we didn’t just sleepwalk our way into authoritarianism. If we end up sliding over the cliff into a uniquely American form of fascism, I want it to be unmistakably clear to historians and everyone who comes after us that we knew what was happening. We saw it. We endeavored to prevent it, to arrest the slide, to warn of the perils. We had eyes wide open. We were not blindsided. If it happens, it happened despite our best efforts.

You're not the only one, David. Let me assure you of that.

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Also the New York Times article is super sus. No way did they find out cold that Biden was out Sunday morning with no planning or anything for the underlying campaign and just switch without any heavy prior work.

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