Liked very much my first read of TPM since the Bush II era. You were stalwart defenders of Democracy then and I see you haven't changed. You deserve wide readership.
David, how do you cope wading through this national and related societal collapse?
I’m asking not just for your sake but (selfishly?) on behalf of readers and news junkies bombarded with the criminality and insanity. You know, like, a PSA.
And to make sure you’re not being unhealthily stressed.
"The Trump administration has slashed the GSA division in charge of preserving and maintaining some 26,000 pieces of public art," SO. It is domestic terrorism to key a Tesla, but just peachy fine to trash a piece of public art that might depict a (gasp) woman.
Trump and his abettors have no plan. They are destroying this country because they can. They want all power vested in Trump, with the rest of us relegated to serfs that only do their bidding and no longer think for ourselves. I think we are looking at the end of our country as we have always known it.
Judge Richard Leon can go to hell. Stupid, ineffective, ignoramus who can't see reality if it bit his useless ass. Does he really think questioning these criminals after they rob the bank is going to accomplish a goddamned thing? There is no part of this alleged "country" that isn't rife with ignorance, corruption and stupidity so massive it's impossible to miss it, unless you're a goddamned motherfucking Republican traitor like this worthless piece of shit. God damn the USA!
Gosh, if I didn’t know, I might think I was reading The Onion.
Bad keeps getting worse.
Chronicles of our democratically elected fascism….
"When you take away that artificial line that looks like it was done by a ruler..."
That "artificial line" is the 49th parallel of latitude.
Paul Krugman asks: "Are tRump and Musk insane?" Then answers in the affirmative. And that's the reality in DC.
Liked very much my first read of TPM since the Bush II era. You were stalwart defenders of Democracy then and I see you haven't changed. You deserve wide readership.
David, how do you cope wading through this national and related societal collapse?
I’m asking not just for your sake but (selfishly?) on behalf of readers and news junkies bombarded with the criminality and insanity. You know, like, a PSA.
And to make sure you’re not being unhealthily stressed.
Waiting for the Sharpie
to come out and start
writing USA on Canada
and Greenland. It could
happen, cause it's only
Wednesday. Remind me
what happened and
became of McKinnley.
Putting Borowitz out of work.
Brilliant rundown of current events. Wish they weren’t true.
"The Trump administration has slashed the GSA division in charge of preserving and maintaining some 26,000 pieces of public art," SO. It is domestic terrorism to key a Tesla, but just peachy fine to trash a piece of public art that might depict a (gasp) woman.
And we thought the Grant era was tops in corruption! Trump 2.0 is like the Grant admin on steroids times 10. 😮 T2 = G x f(S⁰) x 10. Q.E.D.
Trump and his abettors have no plan. They are destroying this country because they can. They want all power vested in Trump, with the rest of us relegated to serfs that only do their bidding and no longer think for ourselves. I think we are looking at the end of our country as we have always known it.
Judge Richard Leon can go to hell. Stupid, ineffective, ignoramus who can't see reality if it bit his useless ass. Does he really think questioning these criminals after they rob the bank is going to accomplish a goddamned thing? There is no part of this alleged "country" that isn't rife with ignorance, corruption and stupidity so massive it's impossible to miss it, unless you're a goddamned motherfucking Republican traitor like this worthless piece of shit. God damn the USA!