Another bitch from Hell.

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What's with the delusional thinking that GOP senators might grow a spine? The most we can hope for is a vestigial tail.

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Can swearing an oath to protect the Constitution, and pledging loyalty to a president coexist within the military Services? Well, we're about to find out, and I wouldn't take bets on the Constitution just yet.

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What you are stating is that it doesn't actually happen within the military ranks? But in reality it does, and it has. Not openly, but certainly in private and amongst themselves.

The military isn't free of politics, it depends on it.

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Have we thought about who will be there to name post offices when Bernie retires?

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AOC, she's available!

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As some might know, one of the issues or factors floating around in the national Democrats’ debacle in November was defending institutions which, TBH, mostly suffer from rot, mismanagement, whatever. That’s a condition to which of course both parties contribute.

But among the biggest — probably the biggest — is the Pentagon.

So as far as David goes promoting concern for Trump may do and just leaving at sort of begs the issue. Taking any sort of ax to the bloat shouldn’t, by itself, be a concern. The problem is that Trump does everything in the worst possible way. Which is to say the concern shouldn’t we a mass firing at the top but abuses such as using the armed forces domestically or promoting the RWNJs the military’s training who, in a better world, would instead be receiving dishonorable discharges.

If only there was a party dedicated to making the national state function well and sanely instead of defending as the rot grows and grows and grows…

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I’m posting this here, because I can’t figure out where else to ask questions. Is there a general place to post comments to TPM articles? Also, we were asked to let TPM know responses to our asking GOP reps what their positions were regarding SS And Medicare cuts? How do we let TPM know? My replies to emails go unanswered.

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One thing the Pentagon

should address to clean up its

act is the problem of "food

insecurity" to the lower ranks.

If any of you follow the VA

newsletter or belong to a

Federal Credit Union, you'll

see requests for donations to

food banks for this. I think it's

pretty shameful our lower

rank military has to depend

on food banks to help feed

their families. And yes, I


This is going to be a hell of

an administration.

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So, what if anything has been done to reconcile this problem? What if anything in the past four years of Biden?

Let's look at Trump's four years, what was done if anything?

And save the BEST for last.

What did Barack Hussein Obama do for the military in eight years in office, besides allowing the "alphabet people" and other sordid characters become military citizens.

Now, Trump had four years, the others, combined had 12 years.

And still, nothing has changed.

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Look at Congress and their appropriation bills for the military.

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