No "debates", please. Rarely do thoughtful discussions on policies emerge, and who the hell wants an evening of an abusive, lying, overbearing, and scene-stealing tRump shouting at Biden and the viewers? No bloody thanks!

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But if they do debate, I wanna see Biden stand behind Trump and glare at him while Trump's talking.

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Surrogates - sucking up big time

Debates - waste of time with Trump up.

Record heat - And that was with El Nino for several months. Now in transition to

La Nina. Be prepared.

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Trump isn't up.

From Simon Rosenberg this morning:

NYT Releases A Second Poll, This One Has Biden Up 3 - In the you have to be kidding me category yesterday the NYT released a second national poll conducted with a different pollster, Ipsos. This poll did not find the kind of structural weakness for Biden their big Monday poll did. In this poll Biden leads 45.5% to 42.5% (+3) in their initial head to heads between the two candidates.

To understand what an outlier Monday’s NYT battleground states poll was let’s look at the other national and state polls released in recent days (Biden-Trump):

NPR/Marist 51%-46% (+5) likely voters

ABC News 49%-45% (+4) likely voters

NYT/Ipsos 45.5%-42.5% (+3)

RMG 44%-42% (+2) likely voters

TIPP 42%-40% (+2)

Big Village 42%-41% (+1) likely voters

Data For Progress 47%-46% (+1)

Economist/YouGov 43%-43% (tied)

Yahoo/YouGov 45%-45% (tied)

USA/Suffolk 37%-37% (tied)

Morning Consult 43%-44% (-1) and 43%-43% (tied)

Quinnipiac Wisconsin 50%-44% (+6)

Orbital Digital Arizona 39%-38% (+1)

CBS News MI 51%-49% PA 49%-50% WI 49%-50%

12 national polls. Biden leads in 7, 4 are tied, Trump leads in 1.

Stop believing the Republican horseshit A.G. Sulzberger is promoting.

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Debates are a 19th century anachronism. That said, there might be some value in people seeing tangeranus on tv. OTOH nbc et al will fall all over themselves declaring tangeranus the winner so I'm leaning toward saying no.

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It would be so easy to needle Trump into a full-scale public meltdown - just pointing out his lifelong loserness: how he lot most of his inheritance through incompetence, the incompetence he brought to "The Apprentice" that was run by other people, the incompetence that he brought to his term in office. Just keep pointing out all his loserness, and he will explode and start foaming at the mouth. With any luck, it might bring on the massive fatal myocardial infarction and we'd be rid of his worthless fat ass.

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Ok Biden!

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Meidas Touch reporting Trump has already created an October surprise Prez debate on Faux News, in other words an excuse to no show in June and September.

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