THANK YOU for ending with Jasmine Crockett! Great rundown on the day's happenings and just such a boost to end it with her.

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People of color may rightly ask “‘Growing’ political violence?” Where’ve you been? https://dancelikefire.wordpress.com/2021/01/11/allyship-and-leadership/?preview=true&preview_id=173&preview_nonce=a557061c6c

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Love your heading, "2024 Ephemera", which is so on point re: GOP "campaign".

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Bomb threats, "swatting", social media doxxing, the MAGA mindset growing out of the malignancy that is tRump is inexorably absorbed into quotidian politics, where such flagrant behavior is merely reported upon and not

often enough connected to its chief instigator. It's just the tRumpian way of doing politics, and the rest of us just have to get used to it, the argument goes. It will all go away when tRump leaves the national scene, we are told.

Welcome to stealth fascism, America.

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What really whittles my walking stick is the support the GOP gets from the morbidly rich mega-donors who pay to avoid democrats raising their taxes so they cannot acquire their sixth $50 million artwork for the hallway of one of their mega-mansions in which they never reside.

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Wow MM! Excellent newsletter this morning. Thanks again for including

Professor Tim Snyder.

It would be nice, if Biden wins

in November, if Garland is replaced by Jack Smith. Things at DoJ might improve

and move faster.😉

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Prof. Snyder has been brilliantly banging on about "cowardice" and in facing up to the PLAIN language of §3 of the 14th Amendment for some time now, virtually daring SCOTUS to rule in some fashion that, yes, insurrection IS a bar to holding office, BUT tRump somehow enjoys an "exception" to the Constitution. Regrettably he will be proven correct, as in no way is there a five-Justice majority that will uphold Colorado....nor Maine, for that matter.

"Let the voters decide" is a massive canard, as how in the name of all that is holy is a provision of the Constitution essentially put up for a vote? Which is the "don't bar tRump from the ballot even if he is an insurrectionist" argument taken to its conclusion. Pure political partisanship will carry the Court's majority vote here, with some bogus nod toward "thwarting the will of the voters", whatever. Cowardice and poltroonery in its most naked manifestation.

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It should be laid at the feet of Milquetoast Merrick. Had he tried to get 20 years plus for all the traitors instead of just engaging in stern talkings to a lot of these criminals would not be so emboldened.

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