Nov 14, 2023Liked by David Kurtz

Great roundup David - thanks!

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What bullshit!!!

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The only people in this world suffering from “Trump derangement syndrome” are Trump’s cronies and enablers, and his brainwashed MAGA groupies.

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I know that I keep expecting that none of 45’s current and pending trials will fully, finally resolved before 2024, I’ll qualify that a little. I’d almost risk an acquittal in the GA case for two reasons:

45 has one substantive defense: testifying (more like perjuring himself);

Dunno what the rule is re cameras in the courtroom but I’m sure it’s a lot easier thA in federal courts where it’s approximately impossible to do.

And a request, maybe: “global warming” is a far more accurate term than the corporate-designed “climate change”.

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