If you live in AZ and you are a US citizen, register and vote. And vote for the people who want to make sure your vote counts and you always have a vote. VOTE BLUE

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It is worth noting that the folks filing the Arkansas petition were working closely with the Secretary of State office, asking them about the process, the required forms, checking if all their paperwork was complete and in order. They say that they filed all the paperwork they were given, and that they were assured multiple times by the office that their paperwork was complete. Then they were told they had failed to submit some forms and so the signatures would not be counted. (Jessica Valenti, in her "Abortion Every Day" substack, has been following this closely). It sure looks like they were sabotaged.

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What an exhilarating night! Kamala's speech was perfectly written and her delivery beyond perfect. We've got a lot of work to do and it's great to see and feel the energy we're all going to need in the coming weeks.

The clips from the convention you include were definite favorites, thanks for that. Have a well deserved weekend David.

VOTE BLUE, as early as possible!

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🌴🥥👍Have a nice weekend.

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"If you watch only one portion of Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech, make it this one[.]"

Readers, watch the video Mr Kurtz supplied and share it with your circle.

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A successful convention does not a successful and vital party make. Israel is destroying herself by supporting the Zionist colonization of Palestine. So to the credibility of the democratic party held hostage to the same. “To know what is the right thing to do and not do it, is the greatest cowardice. “ Confucius.

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No. Israel is destroying the Palestinians. And we are helping. It's disgusting.

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Stiffing the "uncommitted" people with at first a vague nod toward a speaking slot, then out-of-hand dismissal unfortunately says a lot about this newly-proclaimed "unity". As usual, "inconvenient" people get shunted aside, and everybody then pretends they really, really, don't pose a problems coz Kamala Harris devoted 50 words to the mass slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza in her acceptance speech.

Very poor show in an otherwise successful convention.

BTW, the MSM were so jonesing for a "Chicago 1968" replay, one could taste their sour frustration when no heads were broken by brutal cops gone wild, or wave upon wave of tear-gas wafted through the arena...SAD!

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I was anxiously waiting for Kam and Dougie to do a redux of that famous moment from 24 years ago when Candidate Gore planted a big one on Tipper in front of everybody - something to do with his bona fides, I dont know - ask Tipper.

Anyway [sigh], it didn't happen. I guess Momele doesn't have those same insecurities about her relationship w Dougie as Al had w Tipper.

Here's hoping Momele's outcome turns out a lot better than Big Al's.

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Dispute themselves. What are you talking about. Who’s side are you on?

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The "how to pronounce Kamala" portion of the evening was ridiculous. Sorry but it was kids being kids at an event meant for adults.

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Preferred those cute tots to Hulk Hogan, tbh.

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