Jun 5Liked by David Kurtz

It is unbelievable that Trumps claim that only he can get Putin to release Evan Gershkovic is not being reported or even discussed! A few weeks ago I was disgusted by the reporter from the WSJ on Washington Week defend these comments and no one pushed back. What the hell is going on here!? Thank you so much for TPM and Morning memo. We need you.

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Larry Hogan twists my insides.

The good thing is Marylanders can hang his multiple abortion rights vetoes and negative decisions regarding abortion care as governor onto him. https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-dc-maryland-nova/press-room/senate-candidate-larry-hogans-record-on-abortion-is-why-maryland-needs-the-strongest-possible-protections

It is highly disingenuous to claim he’s supportive of abortion rights now. Also, if he is going to caucus with Republicans, he’s pledging to join the MAGA cult, end of. And that means any abortion restrictions they decide on.

And abortion care is just one issue of many for sure.

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Hogan is Exhibit 1 that the best Republican is a POS.

I don't even want to try to imagine how awful the Dem candidate would have to be for me to vote for Hogan over the Dem.

Just saying; YMMV and all that.

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"The promised retribution of a Trump II reign of revenge is so open, obvious, and direct that you begin to wonder who still needs to heed the warnings."

Well, one still reads about "tRump is just being tRump", or he's "just tossing red meat to the base", or he's "just dealing in campaign hyperbole", or other variations on the theme of "revenge politics" that shouldn't be taken seriously because tRump, a nice bit of circular reasoning.

But, as you point out, David, how many dots need to line up before the MSM - you know - get it? Or is it in their interest NOT to get it in re: tRump and his Murkan-style fascism? What is hard to avoid is that tRump's rhetoric is moving more extremist, trying to keep pace with the far-right hysteria on social media, in Congress, and divers outlets across the Web. At what point does all this fascistic nastiness centered round tRump FINALLY become too obvious to ignore? It appears that for the MSM, we're not there yet, despite all the examples cited in today's newsletter, as well as those cited in previous writings.

My fear is that when the light goes on it will be too late.

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Anyone who claims to be undecided about Trump is really undecided only about whether to vote at all.

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Bravo Adam Schiff.

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NYT and WaPo reporters have read and written about "Project 2025", a neatly confected manifesto for American fascism in action, which is as revealing for tRump II as "Mein Kampf" was for the Third Reich. So why aren't notable excerpts from the former continually tied to tRump's own comments on seeking "retribution" and "revenge"? It's all there, in print, on audio, and on innumerable videos.

So, what's it take to - you know- connect those fecking dots already?

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"On a day Hunter Biden’s wife was overheard at the courthouse calling a Trump ally a “Nazi piece of shit,” prosecutors began laying out their gun case against him."

Not so sure whether or how much I'd agree with that Nazi thing but she's ~10,000% correct on the rest of the quote.

Anyway, coming at my usual media rant from a slightly different angle: what proper political coverage needs is a lot of cynicism, ditto criticism of same.

Reporters of course know what's going but they understandably, at least on the job keeping aspect, of letting their editors, publishers and owners dictate let's say dishonest reporting.

Conservatives' longtime complaints are correct; reporting is biased. Choosing to report and how to frame and report it reflect choices which, as a rule, means biases. The problem with the conservatives is that, like Trump's fake news, what they're complaining about is pretty good reporting. (And then there's James Bennet's famous line that his Times' editorial operation would never, ever allow criticism of capitalism. Reality strongly suggests that Bennet was wrong there.) Actual biases include the kid glove treatment (if that) establishment news outlets gift Republicans and conservatives. The whole Alito flag to do appeared as big a story as it did because of irresponsibly, deliberately bad SCOTUS reporting over the years. Alito's issues justice-wise were obvious years before that flag went up. Which is to say if SCOTUS had been reported properly, the flag story and WaPo's spiking it originally would rightly be seen as nothing burgers.

Suffice to say, the world needs the return of Alex Cockburn's Press Clips.

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They're ALL Nazis. They were BORN pieces of shit.

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Not going to say you're wrong. It's just too subtle a question for my decaying synapses to handle...

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