May 8Liked by David Kurtz

Aunt Marge is definitely a Deep State operative with dirt on Trump. He needs to know what she's got.

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The case should've been brought in DC. I blame Garland.

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Judge Cannon might well be "personally corrupt," even "inexperienced" but incompetent and naive she's not. Indeed, she's played the DOJ and the legal punditocracy to a fare-thee-well. I ween folks are so caught up in Hanlon's razor they've forgotten that malice and villains exist.

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I don't believe that ANYBODY within what you term "the legal punditocracy" has at all been taken in by "Judge" Cannon's shambolic handling of this now broken case. Commentators have been on her case - so to speak - since her ill-fated "Court Master" appointment and resultant 11th CA smackdown. Her apparent "slow-walking" - a generous term indeed - due to unprecedented attention to utterly frivolous motions by the defendants' legal teams has caught the attention of everybody who is familiar with federal rules of procedure, and Cannon's game has been obvious since Day One: cut tRump slack over and above what is procedurally normal, end of.

Sure, the "judge" is way out of her depth, especially concerning all the CIPA formalities, and the mountain of delayed decisions make speak to inexperience, but come on, the only party benefiting from her appalling inactivity is the defense, and seemingly her conduct following the 11th CA rulings don't rise to appealable acts, so here we are, stuck in limbo, while tRump laughs his way back to MAL, with a two-handed fuck-you to SC Smith....oy vey.

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May 8·edited May 8

Your comments on the Gaza war protests have been measured and fair. I would like to respond to your Atlantic quote today, though. The protests have not been solely to stop the war in Gaza. The protests have had multiple different messages, hence the confusion and the backlash. If the protests were focused on stopping the war, against the extremity of Israel’s military actions, and against western funding for Israel’s military actions, that would be entirely fair. But the protests have also been about “anti-Zionism” with frequent messaging challenging Israel’s right to exist. This “Israel get out” polemic is counter-productive and unrealistic. The world is not going back and righting the possible wrongs of 1947. This type of message will always be interpreted by many people as denying the right of Israeli Jews to exist. Due to history, any mass threat to the right of Jews to exist will be understood as anti-semitism. So, let’s not pretend these campus protests are exclusively anti-war protests. They have often been anti-two-state-solution protests. And accusing Biden of genocide all the time is simple stupidity.

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So Noem smacks around a "journalist" - she's still auditioning isn't she?

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It appears Judge Cannon and other members of our federal court system are delaying further proceedings until Mr Trump is returned to the Presidency. A disarming and dangerous tool.

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May they wait forever.

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I lack Jill Flipovic's certitude about the lack of antisemitism in the protests. The entire movement is riddled with antisemitic players and motives, and even the well meaning people in their ranks repeat arguments and slogans that are rooted in anti Jewish sentiment. The claim of genocide itself is a provocation; it is a war, provoked by Hamas. The destruction may be disproportionate, but that doesn't make it genocidal.

Israel deserves scrutiny and criticism, earned it before October 7, but where for years I have felt that the conflating of criticism of Israel with antisemitism was dishonest, at the very least I now see that anti-Zionism is antisemitic at heart. I don't belive in Zionism as this manifest destiny thing that the settlers want, but the country has a right to exist.

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I disagree. You can be anti Netanyahu and pro Israel the same as you can be anti Hamas and pro Gaza. It really is that simple.

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Yes, you can be those things. I am those things as well. The movement, writ large, lacks that nuance.

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That Trump stole from The CIA, The DoD, The NSA, The DoE, The DoS and others, putting "at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources," etc, etc, is reprehensible.

If I did a fraction of that, I'd be hanged for treason before I could tie my shoes.

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Stick a fork in Cannon and

wait to see what oozes out.

Incompetent is putting it


If even half of what was told

in "Stormy" NY yesterday did

in fact take place, I'm not

sure I will ever be able to

erase some of these images

testimony conjured in my


I still have to ask, how exactly

are all the demonstrations

concerning Israel/Gaza,

"benefitting" the "people" of

Israel or Gaza?

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I’m afraid we’ll be so busy fighting over a tattered flag for democracy and humanity that she will only be a footnote in history.

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Want better media?start covering more Joe, less Donald

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good article by Jill Filipovic. It puts some meat on the more radical of the protestors, but raises the question that we don't actually know the beliefs of the majority of those arrested nor the specific instances of actual antisemitism that are scaring Jewish students. The American public is looking at a vast dearth of EVIDENCE about what is actually going on. Instead we are getting allegations, cherry picking on both sides (as she notes), and Congressional Investigations that actually threaten administrators who say ordinary stuff when questioned about campus policies, like "well, that depends on the circumstances." Somehow, asking for evidence before acting has become anathema.

Well, not "somehow." It is the ongoing claim of the MAGAt party that evidence doesn't matter. Just allege, insinuate, appeal to people's darkest emotions.

I agree that outing vile things people have said that ARE antisemitic or pro terrorist is something that needs to be done. It is up to the employers to decide what do to with it. But those examples are NOT from students. They merely show that there are lots of vile, antisemitic people. This is clearly no surprise.

But the press has contented itself with generalizations, quite possibly overgeneralizations, and done nothing to sort out what is legitimate protest from what is hate speech. Until we have evidence that a student is supporting the purported aims of "the organizers" it is irresponsible to condemn. There has been little if any investigation into what is causing Jewish fear--what is actually being said to them, is WHAT is being said antisemitic or simply anti-Israeli government.

We need a press that provide us with actual facts so we can judge for ourselves and not just go with what we are being told--by either side.

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…surprised trump is getting away with everything ?

…our justice system needs to be supported and its scared instead because the only people who marching on the street are fucking NAZIS in support of those they are prosecuting our country is FUCKING PATHETIC !!

…if country allows a dictator who says will be a dictator to become a dictator, then country deserves a dictator

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I have an excess of thought, some maybe even deep;


Yet prefer the case being tried in the media instead of risking a Florida jury — more so under Cannon’s supervision — to gift Trump with an acquittal.

And while we’re trying the case there in my preferred venue — in the public discourse — I really, really want to see that literal espionage superseding indictment. Everyone knows Trump took the papers to share with unauthorized people — we’ve seen it — and Trump sharing it at no charge, please, he never, ever would do any such thing. He’s been selling state secrets.

And yes, it’s possible proof is minimal or limited, but indictments have to lay out a scenario, not prove it. Cannon doesn’t want to try the case before it’s possibly mooted? Find. Let’s proceed over in the court of public opinion.

And not to defend her — even if she’s defensible on the facts, she clearly isn’t as a person with great authority. But the fact is that a judge does or should give a criminal defendant the benefit of the doubt up to a point. Which she repeatedly passes. Still.

Meanwhile, in my ignorance I’m not sure that the window of opportunity for Smith to move for recusal or whatever hasn’t closed. Probably has since the first step would be a motion before her. And if she’s a good Trump tool, she’d sit on it til it’s too late to matter anyway. Will be happy to get enlightened on Smith’s real world options re Cannon.

Actually, a very slight defense of her, too small to matter: in a sense she’s doing nothing delay-wise that SCOTGOP isn’t doing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

As for Filipovic, please: the elite media are focusing as always where they want to not where they should. Related and I dislike the Semafor operation too much to provide the link: see, Ben Smith’s interview with Joe Kahn. The importance for which is that the rest of the mainstream media tends to follow the Times’ lead. Once upon a time it made sense but that time is long past.

So, Noem: tough AF or is she cracking. Maybe her well-hidden husband (or alleged cuck) can provide insight.

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