It's the double-speak and conflicts in writing and speech that's confusing. From yesterday, here is a glimpse of what a Federal District Court Judge is needling down to (from NYTimes) . . . 'expressed particular concern that it violated the appointments clause of the Constitution, which requires leaders of federal agencies to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Mr. Musk was neither nominated nor confirmed. . '

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The Judiciary and Congress have mostly surrendered their rights and responsibilities, upsetting the Constitutional checks and balances. If I were a judge and a lawyer came in and responded to me as the Justice Department did about DOGE’s governance, I’d sanction the lawyer and grant the plaintiff immediate relief, even if only temporary.

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Expecting mobsters and others with zero respect for the law to obey the law is, I dunno, pointless? Not helpful? Absurd?

As that lead in today’s post show, dragging them into court has limited upside — and that’s before the Roberts court adds its own abuses and disrespect for the legal system.

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If the judicial branch can hold out just a little bit longer. We're hearing the bleating of some of the MAGA sheep as they start to get uncomfortable.

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12 million deportees before the midterms? Keep an eye on what states the deportations are coming from. I'm convinced this is a move to remove "persons" from Blue States, affecting Congressional Apportionment and the Electoral College. I thought it was 10 million throughout the second term. Either way look for "emergency" snap census and reapportionment to lock in the Red State political gains.

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Shouldn’t “the surreal headline of the day” actually be your first headline?

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Shouldn’t “the surreal headline of the day” actually be your first headline?

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Who is going to stop this complete tyrannical, cruel, and illegal take-down of our democracy by Comrade Trumpski ???????

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Well Catherine, it's looking

like "we the people" are going

to have to step up, like our

ancestors did way back in

1775, to once again de-crown

the orange king and his

crews. So join a grassroots q

group and step up.

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