Take your time, Jack Smith…Kamala is providing cover for now…

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I'm wondering who Kamala will choose for her AG. Any candidates come to mind?

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Joyce Vance would get my vote.

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Or Preet Bharara

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Definitely and definitively not Merrick Garland. Sad to say.

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Glenn Kirchner!

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Check out Joyce Vance

Substack yesterday on Jack

Smith asking for delay. She

gives a very nice breakdown

on exactly why.

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Re: the DC trial...SC Smith AND Judge Chutkan both have to work through the broad and deliberately not-clear guidelines SCOTUS laid down for prosecuting tRump. The Court put it all on the judge to figure it out, and Smith either rejiggers the indictment charges to fit the moment, or makes his arguments at the pre-trial conference with an eye toward SCOTUS, which for sure will get several more bites of the appeal apple going forward.

Cynic as I am, IMHO future Court decisions on this - and on the MAL docs case - will be influenced by whether tRump wins OR loses the November election...lose the election and the prospects for HIM and HIM alone dim considerably; OTOH, if tRump wins the presidency, all federal cases go away, in one manner or another, and SCOTUS has done its work for him.

Smith is dogged if nothing else, and as long as he holds his mandate to prosecute tRump, he's on it, SCOTUS speed-bumps notwithstanding.

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Still, perfectly content with Trump being tried in the court of public opinion where the verdict comes down by mid-January 2025. But query: what are the odds of the court of public opinion finding him not guilty by reason of insanity? Odds of that get better daily.

As for “we” normalizing the insane behavior of a pathological toxic narcissist, the only ones doing that are MAGAts (as sick as Trump), Republican pols, and the mainstream news media for whom for the past forty-plus years no Republican POTUS can do wrong. So, that “we”…?

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The hammer will

Come down.

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