Are we really this stupid?

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Mar 28Liked by David Kurtz

I am speechless. Thank you for a great column.

Holy week? This man has no shame.

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Mar 28Liked by David Kurtz

"Happy Holy Week!" You can't make this stuff up.

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Regarding Joe LIEberman:

Oscar Wilde was right: "Some spread joy wherever they go; some whenever they go."

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Trump, on the Judge's daughter: "How can this be allowed?"

That's inciteful language as ever.

MAGA: We CANNOT "allow" it. Time to act.

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The King tRump version of the bible...the new, definitive edition, accept no substitutes...not available in stores...operators are standing by, hurry, going fast! Bonus...first two hundred people to call will get AT NO EXTRA CHARGE an autographed pair of tRump Gold Sneakers...CALL NOW!

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Always say good about the dead. Lieberman is dead. Good.

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So....he's got bibles all over his house, he says. I'm sure he 'reads' them when he finds the classified documents too boring. It's much easier, and maybe more lucrative, to sell bibles out in the open than to peddle the classified material he has. Not only does he have no shame at all, he's now transparently desperate. Keep talking orange buffoon.

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