Holocaust historian, as I keep posting. Acid indigestion. How do you not have it compiling all this? Yet you must. Yet we must. Hope. Fear. Entwined. Thank you for what you do. It matters.

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Nice job summing of the state of things with 111 days to V-day. Unfortunately, the mainstream media and the Trumpian supporters don’t see it that way.

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11 not 111- I hate typing on a phone.

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Not only did Trump say what he did about firing Jack Smith, the entire quote included a reference to immunity: "We got immunity at the Supreme Court. It's so easy. I would fire him within two seconds. He'll be one of the first things addressed," Trump said.

This tells us that the Fascist plans to get away with anything he wants.

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"Jan6" was the end of the beginning, and not the beginning of the end of MAGA extremism and the march toward an American Reich. That was just the warmup, with the upcoming election as the defining moment of a mass movement demanding an authoritarian Leviathan. Will those aims be realized? 50-50 chance says yes, so we who still believe in democratic ideals have our assignment: GOTV, full stop.

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Is there no way to stop evil? No obligation to reply.

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Perhaps we should encourage the Mango Mussolini of Mar-A-Loco to leave the country. That would be one less piece of garbage we have.

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If had a full-size keyboard available, I’d explain why I’m seeing the election as a choice slowing the acceleration of the nation to fascism or accelerating even faster.

I’d also detail how Trump’s disses of the nation are based on the GOP’s successes in implementing party goals.

But no keyboard=break for everyone.

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It hardly seems possible but here we are. One more day of Garland looking worse for sitting around with his thumb up his butt for 30 months. No doubt he'd still be enjoying it were it not for the J6 committee forcing his hand. Sadly this will be Biden's enduring legacy.

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More cowardice from the corporate media: WaPo "declines" a presidential candidate endorsement...here's weasel publisher Wm Lewis laying it out:


Another failed "profile in courage"

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Looking at that photo of Trump in Howell, MI, I was thinking that Hasbro could use it as a model for a new Trump Grievance doll. They could make millions $$$.

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We have our own oligarchy

now, don't we. Just imagine

them running the USA, with

msm/corporate media

printing their bushwa 24/7.

If the grand coup of 11/5/24

goes down, what will happen

to Substack, TPM, Bulwark

and so many others here?

Lots of anti-fascists here.

I have to ask this David. Why

has it taken nearly 4 years

for "64 days" to finally be

fully revealed AND does it

include the chit chats with

Roger Stone?

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