Orwell had it right: "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

(George Orwell, *1984*)

And there was VA Gov. Bumpkin on CNN denying tRump was calling for the US military to "arrest bad people...the enemy within", after host Jake Tapper played the tape from FoxNews where tRump sad EXACTLY that.

And here's another enabler of fascism who hears no evil, sees no evil, and speaks no evil of his party's candidate. With "friends of democracy" like Bumpkin, who needs enemies?

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Those of us still in touch with reality need to start asking our neighbors who continue to support the Mango Mussolini of Mar-a-Loco what they would do if their Uncle Mortimer behaved like this at the family Thanksgiving gathering.

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I wonder if even Bartieomo is starting to worry that maybe hitching their fortunes to this guy was a mistake. They're disingenuous and immoral, but most aren't stupid or ignorant. Are they really ready to fall in line and salute to save their generous paychecks or is there creeping doubt? I would love to have a candid conversation with any of them to understand their calculus. And to have that conversation both before and after the election.... (I'm still optimistic for a Harris win, btw)

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Bartiromo is so invested in MAGAism, that in fact she has become "stupid and ignorant", as she mindlessly parrots tRump's insanity with all the conviction of a zealous convert...and if that isn't an example or definition of "stupid and ignorant", I don't know what else to call it.

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That is certainly true of their public personas - but we know from J6 texts and such that the characters they play on tv are not the complete picture which is what I'm more curious about. What are they really thinking? What's going on behind the facade? Could be worse than we know or more complex - either way much more interesting.

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She reminds me of Jean- Louis Trintignant's character in Bertolucchi's portrait of the moral collapse of the individual under fascism, "The Conformist."

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I reckon Trintignan's character is best exemplified by Hillbilly, who lives and breathes within a moral vacuum.

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They're all there.

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Well, at least most political people, GOP excepted, and even the mainstream media but not enough are regarding and calling out Trump as a fascist as well as the Republican party to quote General Mark Milley and Liz Cheney who agrees. As for the enemy from within? Well like everything else, this 1984 version of reality has inverted things as the enemy from within is Trump et al, who already failed to steal an election and to accomplish their insurrection.

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My real worry is about J. D. Vance, a “recent convert” who will definitely become president at Trump is visibly incapable of even holding a rally with a teleprompter. Who is this guy who would abandon all principles for power? Look out.

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Regarding North Carolina and the militias "hunting FEMA": let the ignorant white trash redneck peckerwood hillbillies fix things themselves. Without our money. These inbred dumbasses are even worse than their white trash grandfathers I had to deal with in the Navy 60 years ago. Fuck'm!!

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Harsh words, TC...you are NOT of the "let's try to understand our MAGA brethren" persuasion, I take it. No visiting rural diners to chat with tRump supporters, hmm?...LOL!

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"separate medical incidents" aka heat prostration. Coachella in October is no place for the elderly.

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This was in western PA, but same deal - some warehouse without AC packed with older folks. Weirdest stuff ever like a bad birthday party DJ'd by great uncle nutso.

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Too bad more of them don't croak.

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Vote. Vote. Vote. Do all you can to make sure everyone you can reach Votes Blue.

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