Appreciate you reporting all this out, David. I know it has to be as terrible to type it as it is to read.

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Thanks, David, for this horrifying news - I'm glad you are putting it out here for those of us to get it - I hope your readership expands! I'll encourage people to subscribe!

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The hope that Senate Republicans would reject any of Trump’s picks is not viable. The reality as Will Saletan put it is truer than ever. “The Republican Party is a failed state and Trump is its warlord.”

There is no bottom.

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Did you really expect that any GOP Senator (MAGA or not) would suddenly grow a backbone? You cannot possibly be this naïve.

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Per Florida's "NANCY LAW", there is no statute of limitations to the prosecution for the rape of a minor after 7/1/2020.

How is statutory rape generally defined? in the Sunshine State? Apparently, by an "act of engaging sexual activity with a person BELOW the age of consent" which in Florida is 18 years old. But, consult a FL criminal defense attorney on all specifics.

Spoiler Alert: Even in Florida 17 year old female teenagers are considered "persons". Apparently, jail sentences are longer for recidivist Perps.

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And yet! I don’t see a single thing in today’s post that would be successfully blocked if Trump makes any attempts. Gonna have to see him successfully blocked to believe that anyone could do it.

As for the Democrats’ strong statements… I know many haven’t, but I’ve moved on. Talk-talk just doesn’t light me up the way it used to. Meanwhile, the Democrats’ takeaway from the election is to work on the messaging, not the message…

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You expecting balls and spines? Not going to happen. They love the job and truthfully can’t do anything else. Also all of them are pedophiles and worried about their skeletons being exposed

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