David, I am deeply grateful to be able to hear your voice this morning. My parents lived through the horrors of Hitler, WWII, Pearl Harbor, and their response was to fight. Ours will be a different kind of fight; a fight to save our planet. I am so grateful for you and the community here.
David, I am deeply grateful to be able to hear your voice this morning. My parents lived through the horrors of Hitler, WWII, Pearl Harbor, and their response was to fight. Ours will be a different kind of fight; a fight to save our planet. I am so grateful for you and the community here.
David, I am deeply grateful to be able to hear your voice this morning. My parents lived through the horrors of Hitler, WWII, Pearl Harbor, and their response was to fight. Ours will be a different kind of fight; a fight to save our planet. I am so grateful for you and the community here.