Another great one - you covered a lot of territory. Thanks David.

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The Nazis said that the role of women was limited to "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche," - children, church and kitchen. Every authoritarian movement has to denigrate women, because what ignorant white moron incel wants some damn uppity woman "looking down on him"?

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The photo at Arlington of tRump with a shit-eating grin and a thumbs-up before the grave of a KIA service member says everything one needs to know about the man's breathtaking lack of morality, empathy, and just basic humanity.

Then to cap it off, the promo vid for his shitty NFTs...Jesus bloody Christ, today's Ron Popeil, hawking his merch on late-night teevee...wow, just wow!

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BTW, the internets are exploding with the tRump NFT infomercial...it's almost like a send-up or parody of a tRump carny pitch, but it's FOR REAL, ffs!

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There’s no bottom for that grifting sphincter.

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TFG did everything he could to dishonor the fallen soldiers except drive his golf cart over their graves, and I'm betting Corey Lewandowski was involved because it is so don brand for him.

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Try Takeover by Timothy Ryback. Fits the bill. And chilling.

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I am pretty sure Gabbard and RFK, Jr are there for diversion. Their outrageous behavior will enthrall the media while the real skullduggery takes place behind the scenes by the Project 2025 crew.

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#childlesscatmen…. He should look into that

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A Solzenheitzen, late Soviet dissident, in "Gulag Archipelago": [paraphrase] those who do not live by violence are the least able to protect themselves from violence. Perhaps that explains why daily events lead to times of being unable to speak coherently and, otherwise, gagging reactions. Apparently there is no bottom to debasing human beings.

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Maybe best comment on Vance’s attack on Weingarten: Vance is a convert to Catholicism, while Lawrence O’Donnell attended Catholic school up to Harvard. Until then, he points out, his teachers were childless and unmarried nuns.

What an idiot. And don’t ignore the possible antisemitic angle.

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Yesterday my local news (Hearst) reported on Trump at Arlington as a totally normal event. It wasn’t until this morning when I read HCR letters that I learned that it was indeed illegal and about the altercation. I really hope your prediction is correct and that this story will be around for a while but I worry that since they didn’t initially report it in that light that the story will get lost in the “flooding the zone with shit” strategy. Sigh

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Yeah, it was very odd that the "It was a Federal Crime" aspect was unreported in the first media I saw of it. Only the cemetery worker who got shoved was of interest.

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There can be no question that if T#@!^ somehow wins the White House this country is finished. Kaput. My God how can the Republicans have any support much less enough to possibly take back the White House?

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I just finished reading ProPublica's article on the 3 Percent militia, which boasted of close ties to local police and a small website linking various police forces working with the Proud Boys, etc.

My impression that they believe votes by not-like-them and politics they do not share are simply invalid. That they have been charitable in allowing others to co-exist, but it is an overthrow for others to be as involved in the political process. I was also struck by the overall stupidity and gullibility of the entire movement (anti-vaxxers) and how the leader was a 'stolen valor' liar and became intensely interested in turning the militia into a moneymaking operation.

I am a white woman who is also a vet, married to a soldier, with children. Presumably I am an acceptable female! But these men seem unstable and frightening. They are no Tim Walz.

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Power, money and/or a place near power and money is ALL and EVERYTHING to Republicans.

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Of course the Arlington Cemetery story will be around for a while; the media astute Sandi Bachom called it…a distraction from Harris-Walz news and successes. Don’t bite moldy bait.

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