So, whatever happened to the GOP meeting where they were told not to use race insults as a campaign strategy?

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And what does that say about the practice?

"Look, guys, we KNOW we shouldn't be saying these things ..."

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Say, our "unity" candidate, that's the Orange Klansman, just couldn't keep on "the high road" long, could he? And the more slippage tRump suffers in polling, the dirtier and more foul will his racist

attacks become, as his malignant id will overpower all other elements of what passes for higher cortical functions.

Sure, he's playing to his core MAGA supporters, that's where the cheers and "love" pour forth, but in doing so, masses of votes from elsewhere outside the bubble peel away, to the consternation I'm sure of those who head up his campaign.

The gift that keeps on giving...to the Dem ticket.

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That'll leave the MAGA supporters, the morbidly rich one percenters and corporations to support him.

Not enough, Donnie boy!

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Ear’s looking pretty good there. Remarkable healing, don’cha think?

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Even last week the ear looked quite sound, as close-up photos from his meeting with Netanyahu had revealed. FBI sticking with "the bullet OR fragments from the bullet" as the culprit, and given how quickly the "injury" healed, I'm going with "fragments" here.

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Small fragments.

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Micro-fragments...like what passes for his - you know - brain.

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Small fragments such as might come from an ampoule of stage blood?

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Thank you for calling this out, as so few media outlets do. They continue to fail us and I hope they are hearing it from their readers! “Weird” is way too nice (and nuanced) a word to use for them. The Trump/Vance ticket is “sick,” and they are “monsters.” Or, “sick monsters.” Call them what they really are. And more kudos to Pete Buttigieg! He is clear, factual, and unflappable and our best voice on Fox. Maybe one of the best speakers there is, anywhere.

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Interestingly, Al Yankovic actually said that about Trump, before "weird" became a thing.

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Just the opinion of One With Issues but IMO, Trump is and has always been inhuman, unfit for any sort of public serving position by any and all definitions of fit.

The media of course have been blind willfully or otherwise or simply chose not to report same. I mean, how important an issue could his unfitness for office be, right?

But of late, Trump’s been forcing their hands so to speak. To their credit, they occasionally show him without their BS framing (honest framing is not allowed). And is it repellant and growing ever more so. Not going to bother to imagine how bad it gets in the next~95 days; no doubt he’ll show us.

Meanwhile, Trumpism is nothing if not not having a functional superego. Which (not a professional) is some sort of pathology right there.

Tangential: Gershkovich was just released. Anyone know enough to explain why Putin chose not to hold on to him til after the election so Trump, if in a position to do so, could take it as a sign of support. Instead, it looks like his mentor has no confidence in him. Of course, it was a huge, complicated, multinational thing so maybe Putin’s hands were tied and he couldn’t do Donny a solid, likewise the other nations involved.

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Excellent summary; the WE, accepted the Swiftboat propaganda, MSM, especially, to reelect Cheney/Bush, war criminals.

There is so much about WE, that is passed over, but festers in the background.

Thank you for connecting some dots.

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In thinking about Trump’s comments about Kamala turning black (!). I think he conflated Kamala and Nikki Hayley. That would explain it—not excuse it.

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The dehumanizing racism is obvious when you hear Trump pronounce "China" or "black".

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This is great!

"We should know by now that racist attacks are not about the victims of those attacks, they’re about the perpetrators.”

It seems NYT and WaPo don’t get it yet.

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Thank you David for your

outstanding opening


Something is definitely up

with Putin. These prisoners

were major chess pieces on

his game board. Praying it

has nothing to do with

Ukraine. Hoping it's more to

do with internal strife and


And yes, Donnie's ear was

looking really good at his

rally in Florida a week ago.

I had an injury to my ear and

it took a long time to heal.

I wasn't grazed by a bullet or

shrapnel either. A dive

bombing large insect on an

escape run from a bird. My

doctor said not to cover it;

let it breathe and heal.

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Stellar contribution today: dehumanization and inevitable atrocities therefrom. 2 djt questions unaddressed in public -- 1]. Given the hack s ct immunity decision crafted for djt, why does anyone think anymore he is running to avoid prison? If he isn't, why the desperate run? 2]. Given insistence that djt is lawful president, why does no one publicly confront him with illegality of running/taking 3d term in WH? 1 general Q: Expecting that the revolting events/developments will intensify, why aren't more people public about making an overseas Plan B?

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

The national press have completely failed to recognize Vance’s “childless” comments as not just “weird” but as crypto racism. The christian nationalist new right cult Vance and the MAGA base are a part of believe they need to breed a new baby boom of white people. They want to close the borders, disenfranchise blacks, and get their acolytes to have large white families like the olden days. Why? Great Replacement Derangement Syndrome. Calling them weird is true and working…but like you said, it’s worse than that. It’s breed white voters for Jesus.

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