Thank you David for including

your conversation with JP. A

really good view of what

takes place on the ground of

disasters; everyday people

helping other people.

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There's bad stuff in this, but SO much good stuff I don't even know where to start commenting.

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Putin owns meriKKKa.

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The US Border Patrol has been giving us a preview of how tRumpist immigration raids and arrests will unfold with multipoint, targeted stop-and-frisk operation in Kern County, CA. Scaring shite out of the locals, leaving orange groves unpicked, crops not harvested, etc., as people just disappear off the streets and away from jobsites. And of course, those tRump-voting employers are pissed...I mean, didn't they take tRump at his word, ffs? They believed that "their" workers would be exempt? LOL!

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Putin owns meriKKKa.

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California would be vastly improved if kern county disappeared off the face of the earth.

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Bakersfield mayor totally on board with CPB raids, coz they're targeting "drug smugglers, human traffickers, and felons" something-something. Uh-huh, Mayor...tell that to the local growers who are watching their serfs go to ground to avoid La Migra.

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Staying alert and waiting to see what unfolds before we fire back seems like our best strategy, even though there will be things we can attack preemptively and offensively.

Panic will be a losing strategy.

Something else that we need to be aware of - what effect will the progression of Trump's dementia have on the coming events of the next 4 years.

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I'm really hoping for "a rapid unscheduled disassembly" 👊

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Great turn of the phrase back on the dissemblers!

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Was Garland asked what to do when his (and insider trading national Democrats’) norms stop working? Maybe should point out that among the busted norms is voters’ BS detectors which would normally prevent the election of completely unfit leaders as well as the respect for fully unworthy private sector leaders.

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It is 10 AM on East Coast. Doomsday Dr Strangelove day for all America. Has Trump been impeached yet? I understand that in the name of national security, he is cancelling all baseball night games for 2025. My understanding is that mad Hispanic immigrants, who love their baseball are known to trumble thru the upper deck when it gets dark, and they rape, murder, and plunder virgins(white only). We can not have that Good thing we have the Donald to protect us from these savages.

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His ear doesn’t look different.

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I know for a Fact, Daniel Swain is using my husbands Analysis, Modeling and White Papers for exposing these Risks and Easy Mitigation Measures which we ALREADY fund at FEMA. The EXPERTS, like my myself and my husband were fired and Blacklisted. No one reports on it… Why?

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Fairwell Weimar America. Some day we may be looking back very wistfully... Say, Tuesday...

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Maybe I've said it before, but should Florida have been told to bail faster? Humans can't outrun 100 mph winds, plain and simple.

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