Thank you David. So many people will be hurt by this performative trash. Maybe this time there will actually be the votes to impeach him.

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And then Vance?

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Same as it ever was (continued): “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” - Frédéric Bastiat

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And wreck the once great country. What was it that Trump called African countries a few years back? That's what he has put us on the road to (what he called them, not what they are).

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David, you outdid yourself

today. This was a great

newsletter. Really. Nothing

hidden behind snark

headlines. Too bad MSM

doesn't get the message.

Guess they're too busy

rubbing Bengay on sore

knees caused by bending

down and kissing the ring.

My crystal ball has been a bit

cloudy of late, but last night it

cleared up enough for me to

see F-elon Musk and his

future. Risky. Very risky.

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Thanks for the info David . So president mush and vice pres stump are causing trouble again . Nothing new We all knew trump could be bought and has been , this should never of happened , Peace to all

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They can no longer be called Conservatives (for they are truly radicals conserving nothing whatsoever), they can no longer be called Republicans (for they are helping the Democratic Republic to die). So while the clock of doom for the USA ticks inexorably on, I suggest we call them The Ouroboros Party.

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I prefer The Party of Broken Toys - calling them something none of them are smart enough to know what it is and means doesn't do the job. (Maybe to all of us, yes)

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Or Broken Boyz

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They also have some broken girlz...

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"Support for Mike Johnson to remain as speaker seemed to evaporate Wednesday:..."

Can we all agree that it couldn't happen to a more worthy MAGA flunky? Arse-kissing does not ALWAYS bring job security, as this weaselly little gobshite is finding out to his chagrin.

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I wonder how much of the transition team’s communications has been fully captured by the Chinese.

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tRump is finding out quick-smart the perils of embracing a towering egomaniac that is outshining him in brazen "influencer" conduct...Elno led the charge against the House spending bill, with tRump following in his wake, and one wonders how long "the world's richest man" will continue to command and arrogate to himself his self-styled "co-president" rôle without pushback from tRump or his advisors.

"DOGE" is grabbing the headlines, usually a bad sign when tRump is nominally in charge...can't wait for all this to break out into a classic WWE brawl, with chairs tossed, people head-butting and body-slamming one another...put it on PPV, I'll watch!

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As suggested in TCinLA's substack this morning, let's just start referring to Elon as President Musk and Donald as

VP Trump. Not only is that quite accurate in terms of who is really in charge, it will drive Frump crazy.

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It’s been clear enough since the election, if not earlier, that this kind of stuff was inevitable.

That neither the national Democrats nor establishment news media were all over this probability (or inevitability) says far too much about them. And provides a lot for which they have to answer.

BTW: we *are* aware that the Democrats in Congress have nearly no power to block Trump and in case any interest in using whatever power they might have. It’s not what the post-Clinton/DLC party does — fight with any vigor.

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So much for a quiet Christmas vacation from the news...

So, if the MAGAts get rid of ReverendMike on Friday January 3, what are the odds they will be Nowhere Close by Monday January 6? Who oversees the acceptance of the electoral vote count to declare Felon34 and Corporal Couchfucker elected?

What are the odds the Party of Broken Toys can't get a Speaker by January 20, meaning there is no government, meaning there is no one to swear in the two fuckwits?

Does Joe Biden seize his SCOTUS-given powers and rule as Acting President? (I'll leave my thoughts and dreams of what could happen in that situation... )

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Living under the threat of harm. Otherwise known as the Trump years.

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“Dear Donald Trump, your malfeasance is no longer shocking, but it remains deeply revolting. You campaigned as a champion of the forgotten man, but your actions scream betrayal. You’re not a leader; you’re a masquerading fraud, content to bask in the reflected glow of Elon Musk’s wealth and influence while abandoning the very people who believed in you.”



When a ruthless tech mogul pulls the strings and a so-called populist bows down, America spirals into chaos—leaving red-state voters to pay the price.


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Not sure if Elon is Co-Prez or First Lady. It's very confusing. I wish they would straighten that out for us.

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Kim, Elon is prez, having bought the office. *45 is a figurehead and does what Musk tells him to. The fiasco over the CR yesterday is proof of that: Musk initiated killing it, and *45 later agreed. Vance might as well not exist, except as a backup figurehead.

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trump has wrecked the republican party...now onward to trash the Democracy they so hate! Muskrat is DeFacto dicktater! trump only hold this seat to serve him and the oligarchs! Wife says we're New Russia! I think she's onto something!

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