Oct 7Liked by David Kurtz

this kind of sounds like the political equivalent of "I am going to hold my breath until I get what I want". 😂

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WVA is a huge drag on federal spending as a net balance of money in v revenue out...who gives a shit about what those MAGA morons are saying about "secession", as what's their plans to keep their shitty state afloat w/o fed largesse?

Disinformation re: Helene....a warmup for the game plan after "they" send Milton into western FL and points north.

Election denialism: It's like rosary prayers or catechisms - the rote signs of a true believer.

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Ten generations of hillbilly incest in action.

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And the poster- boy for those cumulative dysgenics is No.2 on the GOP ticket.

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I'd like to ask them how they'd feel about being accused of murder and then considered guilty until proven innocent, lack of proof being irrelevant. Just someone "knowing intuitively" that the person was guilty, was enough to put them on death row.

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"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell, "1984"

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W Va is the second-most dependent state in the Union. There’s no way in hell they’re going to secede and go it alone. But they can try to muck around with the election, in the most extreme fashion to get Trump’s attention.

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Hoping Marc Elias is on the WV ploy! Ugh 😣

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"Astonishing" is not the word you are reaching for, I think you meant de riguer.

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Oct 7Liked by David Kurtz

The old astonishing has been astonishingly (and repeatedly) surpassed by the new astonishing.

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Two things: 1.) with regard to protecting the candidates, they have to make an effort too. Maybe playing golf on a course that is relatively close to public access isn't a good idea and it would be ridiculous to try to rope off an area around the course to the satisfaction of any Trump lover. 2.) With regard to Butler, apparently the Trump campaign advertised an opportunity to come on stage with Trump, as well as meet past winners, and all expenses paid, if you gave money to the campaign. At the campaign, there was no mention of this in sight, no one except Musk was invited onstage, and there were no past winners. Reported by Judd Legum at Popular INformation, https://popular.info/p/trump-held-a-contest-to-join-him?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1664&post_id=149899734&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=c0ie&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Trigger warning; much reality-based hopelessness ahead:

All I’m going to say is that the Democrats’ decades of disinterest in down ballot races — that is, state legislatures — has not worked out all that well. I note this just in case there’s still time one of these cycles to actually turn things around as opposed to just engaging in delay.

When I in the mood to really crush hope, I’d add that there’s no reason to expect too much good from federal courts given the knowledge that SCOTUS doesn’t care about no stinking law if the party and its special interests needs to be served. But I’ll pass for now.

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I’m trying to figure out a way to approach Election Day that doesn’t result in a dissociative episode. Granted I’m a glass-half-empty kind of gal, but I’m not feeling good. I live in Mississippi so my vote will not count anyway, but I’m very worried about the election outcome.

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If you’re talking electoral outcome, I’m not betting on a huge upside being possible — like a POTUS/Congress combo willing and able to get SCOTUS straightened out to instituting equitable income taxing.

Nah, the big problems will be GOP shit pulling at tabulating time, some rioting, shit pulling in Congress on 1/6 and same from SCOTUS. Of course, if those were concerns, the Dems and establishment media would be making noise. That they’re not…

I’m clearly a glass fully empty guy happy to be surprised on the upside.

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Well my take on this in relation to both the election and Trump's seven pending election interference cases was posted on X on Friday. Thanks for allowing me to use your platform/substack to participate in this discussion.


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Timothy Snyder's piece was stellar in all respects. One thing really struck me: "This is a fallacy people should see through: yes, the First Amendment allows Nazis to speak, but it does not ennoble Nazi speech. The fact that people say fascist things in a country with freedom of speech is how we know that they are fascists."

So much of the yowling about free speech isn't about anyone restricting the speech: it is about people criticizing the speech. The problem of stochastic terrorism is a separate issue: we have to get to grips with how to deal with targeted hate speech that can set off the crazier parts of the cult. But there is no First Amendment right to be agreed with.

It is good to see the NYT finally taking active notice that by gosh, they have not only the right but the ethical duty to criticize craziness when it impacts the future of the country. Perhaps someone has noticed that the First Amendment enjoins CONGRESS from squelching speech. Doesn't mention the president. Executive orders about "national security concerns" closing down the main stream media--part of the whole immunity deal.

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The federal prosecutions brought by J Smith are in WDC and FL. WDC is NOT a state -- regrettably, IMO as former WDC resident. FL case dismissed, although technically viable while dismissal on appeal. That said, I subscribe to the view that maga will say & do whatever it wants, so these "details" [ borrowing djt's pejorative ] probably have little deterrent value for them.

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David, thank you for another

instructive MM.

W. Va, home to Maserati

Manchin and top of the

charts black lung disease

from coal mining could easily

disappear into any number of

slag heaps. Let them have

their 60 seconds in the sun.

Someone should get to the

bottom of who "they" and

"them" are that are controlling the weather.

Really! It's all going east and

where I live, we haven't seen

a drop of rain in over a

month. Not good.

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This sounds a lot to me like West Virginia MAGAs, and other MAGA operatives generally, are preparing for Trump to lose. Further, they will use lawsuits and the hurricane disasters and all but the kitchen sink as an excuse to call foul and try to escalate their case to the MAGA SCOTUS. I hope Democrats have a plan for a counterattack, but I fear not.

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Well my take on this in relation to both the election and Trump's seven pending election interference cases was posted on X on Friday. Thanks for allowing me to use your platform/substack to participate in this discussion.


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