Just want to say that the Morning Memo is top notch in terms of the importance of the info it contains, and how well written and interesting it is. And this is from a self-proclaimed news junkie who reads a LOT of news sources in the morning.

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"Among the right-wing commentators who were allegedly duped by the lucrative-to-them Russian scheme are some familiar names: Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, and Dave Rubin."

"Familiar" names? Well, whoever these people are, this is the first time I've ever seen their names in print...guess I'm way out of the orbit of online "influencers". As a matter of fact, these characters look to be the "influencees" rather than "influencers"

What a racket this crap is..."influencers"...LOL!

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For another view on "Russian influencers", read this, from Ken Klippenstein, who puts it in perspective:


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Were they duped or were they cooperating? Not to mention that they made 10 million dollars.

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Cooperation clearly.

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We all know those rat bastards knew exactly where the money was coming from. Any other country they’d get a blindfold and a cigarette.

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Alleged? Nah, they knew

exactly where the 10 mil

came from and what they

were being paid to do.

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"trump conducted no politics" threads a pretty narrow line. The actual CFR says "Memorial services and ceremonies at Army National Military Cemeteries will not include partisan political activities." The question then is, if you didn't say anything partisan but intended to broadcast the event in a political ad WITH political comment, is the event a "partisan political activity" even if nothing was "conducted" at the time.

I'm pretty sure Kamala agreed to the "no mikes" bit because she and her staff realize that she is perfectly capable, if trump intervenes off-mic, in glaring at him and saying "I'm speaking." This of course will leave the audience wondering WTF trump was doing. It WOULD help if both debaters were on camera the whole time (or at least shots OF them both on at the same time were taken that could later be replayed). We could then all see whether trump's lips were moving--and conclude, of course, that he is doing his usual lying in the background.

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There should never have been a video, only an official Arlington photographer can take pictures and none was requested. CNN had one of the relatives there on this morning, her emphasis was she saw no altercation and t***p was invited she also claimed biden-harris was invited. Everything points to this having been a planned event by the t***p campaign weeks in advance. Even if they did agree does anyone really think LaCivita would hesitate to lie.

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There isn’t actually anything in the statutes or CFRs about photographs or Section 60. I’m sure there is a policy, and following that was apparently a CONDITION of allowing trump to be there. But when did trump ever think a condition applied to him? The statutes and CFRS are also clear that the Executive Director is the one who can give “permission” for a memorial service, not the invitation of civilians.

The “altercation” was reported to police. Until the cops or Army confirm that the report was false, what an attendee may claim she didn’t see doesn’t count for much. Perhaps she doesn’t think yelling at an employee is an altercation. The GOP does have a way of defining things in ways that give them cover, even if others recognize that the common understanding of the term is very different. Redefining is the major industry of the GOP.

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Sep 5Edited

Wes Clark Jr has the absolute best take on the Russian interference on Xitter. Regarding the debate..I figured why VP Harris chose her first interview with Dana Bash: debate prep for demolishing GOP talking points, aka garbage.

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Link? I can't search X.

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What is CREW?

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Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

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Thank you

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Not buying the I was duped BS. Conservatives have found an ally in Putin.

This shit wouldn’t be happening if there weren’t MAGA idiots wanting fame and fast money. They should be charged for treason.

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Many of us have followed the Trump Russia investigation for eight years we can never get back. I did not have anti Trump activism on my retirement bingo card. Pre Trump I went to lunch movies and shows. I shopped. It is underrated and reported what millions of grassroots anti Trumpers have done to hand the GOP consistent losses up and to Nov 5 2024. The polls taking place do not report on the volunteer ground game. Just like 2020 the American voter will deliver a resounding win for the good guys.

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Because I haven't ranted about the subject here before, I do so now: to the extent that foreign interference of the kind at issue with the DOJ action matters, it's because of our own complicity. It wouldn't mean anything beyond a karmic response of what we've been doing since at least the mid-1940s. Of course, in the cases of Guatemala and Iran (to name two instances), it was much worse than the equivalent of what Russian and Russian-aligned entities have done in 2016 and since. If it matters beyond that looking glass stuff because of the failure of our education systems, media and putative opposition party that far too voters are too un-informed or misinformed that they're suckers for BS--that they don't know better.

Oops: on the list of the complicit, I left off DOJ for post-Mueller report foot dragging.

Meanwhile, memo to Mullen and the rest of the Pentagon hierarchy: tacitly approving of Trump's disgraceful behavior re his Arlington appearance is itself a political act. Just saying. I dunno, maybe by this era they're overwhelmingly focused on getting rich in the private sector on retiring from the service so how to be a military leader is just something no one focuses on much these days. (Full disclosure/TMI: child of the 60s/70s here, so I never really drank of the awesome US military Kool-Aid in my youth and literally nothing's happened since to get me to change my mind to any significant degree.)

As for the Parloff piece, the necessary qualification: all discussion of legal arguments need to note that the ultimate arbiter is a de facto dictatorial junta willing to ignore all law an stuff to, well, dictate a position. And speaking of Cannon, imagine if the first piece of the case she got was instead bounced to the judge in a different district under whom the magistrate who signed the subpoena for the FBI to poke around MaL worked.

As for the muted mics at the debate: I'd be cool with a split screen showing Trump muttering while Kamala's speaking. Might even happen, it's possible. I suppose he has more self-control than I'd credit him but even that's a woefully limited amount.

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