So help me understand. HRC's email was hacked via John Podesta and the nothing-burger emails were published by Putin and WikiLeaks. The media and James Comey helped Putin and Trump push the emails propaganda for MONTHS, culminating in successfully installing a fascist as president.

But this time, corporate media is protecting the Trump campaign and we are literally taking their word for everything that's happening? We are letting them build their narrative completely credulously?

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tRump and Musk: two douches, desperately seeking attention, locked together in a loveless embrace, playing to an audience of Nazis and incels…what fun.

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There's too much money in politics.

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"A pro-Trump super PAC is launching a $100 million TV ad buy between now and Labor Day in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina."

Think of the mouths one hundred million dollars could have fed once Trump loses after all that ad money was spent attacking Harris.



"Donald Trump has taken the first step toward suing the Justice Department over the Mar-a-Lago raid, a preposterous claim that is unlikely to succeed."

Unlikely, unless the case gets to SCOTUS.

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MAGA corruption just keeps on proving itself… sentence after sentence. Corrupt pardon(s) notwithstanding.

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David on Musk-Trump mash-up, "Twitter Inc" is still a corporate thing & Elon Musk is still the sole & only named Defendant in securities action being prosecuted by Tesla Shareholders who lost $1000 a Tesla share not counting the major damages Musk caused by his cut & burn tactics.

The matter is before Senior Judge Charles E. Breyer in U.S. District Court of. Northern District ofCalifornia. Yes. Senior Judge Charles E. Breyer is the brother of retired SCOTUS Justice Breyer.

Very smart & able jurist.

Musk was scalded again on 8/5/24 by Senior Judge Breyer for repeating a motion already rebuked & previously summarily DENIED. The angry Tesla stockholders have opened the gates to intense pre-trial investigation called "discovery" in Federal litigation.

I recommend just reading the Docket Court Order which are very informative. This active case, Pampena et al vs. ELON MUSK is far from over -- it has just really started: Case # 22-cv-05936-CRB.

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I question the use of "senior trump official" to identify a member of the trump campaign.

"Official" connotates a person assigned (and usualy sworn) to a position of public trust. Trump is surrounded by privately hired campaign workers and advisors, none of whom hold official public duties. The press is notoriously guilty of misappropriating and misapplying this title.

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Older trump thugs?

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Since when does anyone involved with Trump think they should follow the rules?

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Wondering if Trump's not on

some kind of drugs to tone

him down. Slurring words and

lisping could be a result of

this. We have no idea what

his real health status is.

Too bad we can't delay

SCOTUS first day back until

after the election.

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The Brennan Center hosted a valuable summary of each three (3) Biden proposal for SCOTUS reform:

1.) 18 year Term Limits (CA has 12 year limits);

2.) One (1) Justice for each Federal Circuit makes eleven (11) sitting on SCOTUS.

(3.) Each President gets two (2) nominees among other effective & 80% popular reforms.

FYI, NYU's non-partisan Brennan Center is now coordinating with the Kohlberg Center.

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I have heard, and it makes sense, that Trump has ADD and possibly takes drugs for that. (Look at the side effects of Adderall) Helped him sit through the trial quietly and explains Dr. Ronny's out of the blue claim (projection as usual) that Biden was taking drugs to do the debate.

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How about never? Does never work for you?

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Maybe Trump is laying relatively low because he’s partly focused on starting on getting control of DOJ in next administration by suing now instead of waiting til January. (No way a prediction or hope he wins FFS.)

Too, he’s got all the free time from avoiding the embarrassment of shrinking, shriveling rally audiences—it was happening before Biden stepped down. He’s also, no doubt, perplexed by having enough self-awareness to understand that attacking Harris the way he and the MAGAts like would be a loser but not having a satisfactory alternative either.

Meanwhile, no matter how fraught the POTUS and congressional races are, the real immediate threat is SCOTUS which, TBH, should be a reasonably large issue. OTOH, its profile be raised come the first Tuesday in October to some degree or another. So thanks to Kate and TPM for the report.

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Wouldn't it be great to have a public accounting of what Trump has cost taxpayers with his numerous frivilous lawsuits, plus judicial system costs of his minions doing his evil work for him?

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