Good morning, David, and full marks for making yesterday's murder- of-democracy-in plain-sight your one and only news commentary. I never, ever believed that this Court would stoop to such low levels to protect tRump under the guise of "protecting future presidents...yadda-yadda". The Alito quote was priceless...how can this man actually believe the shite coming from his mouth? No acknowledgements from any of those stiffs on threat to constitutional government tRump's Jan6 actions presented - NONE. It's as if tRump was a bystander, and the right-wingers indulged themselves in a boatload of what-iffing and whatabouting FUTURE presidents, and how much immunity the Court should grant THEM.

Little wonder that John Sauer relinquished his rebuttal time to the government's argument - several Justices did the job for him.

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Powerful words, David. From the heart. Thanks.

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I've been feeling nauseated ever since reading the blow by blow of the SCOTUS arguments in TPM yesterday. I knew these guys were bought and paid for, but jesus god. It's as if there's a presumption that their side will ultimately gain control of the White House (and government) in perpetuity, so they and their kind will always be safe. And if not in 2024, then eventually.

In other news: Loved the anecdote about your dog. I had a similar experience with my first born and our 100-pound Malamute (our true 'first born').

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It's too bad someone can't

just say, "stop with the

hypotheticals and let's

discuss the "current" case

before the court". And can't

anyone tape Alito's mouth shut?! What a disgusting day


Thank you David for the really

nice story about your GSD. They are wonderful pack


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Justice Jackson did that. They didn't want to listen.

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"In the end, if it fails completely, it’s because we destroyed our democracy on our own, isn’t it?"

Definitely quote of the day and probably quote of the century so far.

And most of the electorate, ever so preoccupied with entertaining themselves, has no clue about any of this and won't care until it's too late.

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Re David’s pup: we had same with our first rescue and the recently adopted.

Anyway SCOTUS:

Democracy was always a rigged game here, supported by a will to believe and good faith. Latter’s dead, former’s going. And with a SCOTUS majority that has ~as much respect for the law as any mobster ever, well here — voluntarily — are.

But this may be a hopium OD but I think there are at least four votes against Trump’s insane claim. Whether there’s more, well, I hope so but who knows. OTOH, I also don’t know that there’s a majority to make such sham as our democracy explicit, obvious, undeniable.

As always, time will tell.

As for Judge Merchan, starting to look he’s giving Trump all the rope he wants to hang himself what with sitting on an order. Or maybe that much time’s needed to draft the order.

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Merchan is all bark and no bite so far. We'll see...

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Generally, one of his responsibilities is making sure any conviction sticks. Unlike in that Harvey Weinstein conviction that just got tossed on the ground of something very stupid that the judge in the exercise of shitty judgment.

As for the gag order: at this point, Trump’s not going to be held in jail when not in court for the trial, no fine would be large enough to shut him up. All Merchan can do is hold off on the order while Trump gives him more and more ammo til his hand is forced, that is, have him held in jail for the duration. Or maybe Merchan has as much ammo as he wants but just needs time to draft — again — an appeal-proof order.

Either way, he’s been handling the trial with huge professionalism.

Of course, any order any time will result in an appeal with possible delay of the trial.

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Well Merchan just gave him another week so still all bark no bite. We’ll see.

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You're wrong.

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There’s an electoral benefit to letting him mouth off of alienating everyone more voters — I hope, and time will tell.

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" the legal system can’t seem to appreciate the existential threat to itself that Trump and the MAGA movement represent. "

I think the legal system knows precisely what is happening, it is just that there are enough judges in strategic positions that are MAGA either by ideology like Alito or for profit like Thomas, or for whatever the reason like Cannon.

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It's gotta suck to be a lawyer today. Your entire world view lies in pieces on the ground like sweet dreams and flying machines. There is no rule of law.

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Shared on FB… what a Sad, Sad, Dismal day.

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No, not a good article, not in the 2nd quarter of 2024. Would have been fine from 2016 Barrett, or at least after Dobbs, but now? What more proof do you need???????

The USSC must be condemned, deligitimized, ridiculed and diminished by all writers simultaneously, harshly and uncompromisingly.

What needs to be shouted from the roofs 24/7 is that if those "judges" somehow appeared on tv one day as space aliens with assfaces, then quickly changed to human form, what would happen? What? Who'd be conducting an investigation, how? Media would talk about it for a month non-stop before switching to news about Kim Jon Un getting married to a gazza Palestinian, or something like that.

The Supreme Court IS, IS, IS illegitimate, and there's nuhthing that can be done, unless it is blatantly ignored!

What, the hope is that elections will set things straight? That magat repugs would just "hmmm, we didn't get enough votes? Oh well, next time"??

Putin has been bluffing about his "nucular arseanal" for 2 years, what bulleffinshitt, so 1000s of Ukrainians died because the bullets we gave them would only fly 100 meters, so after 2, two years, we fiiiinally are giving longer range missiles. So what, 2 years after Trump is "elected" there would be this "sudden" realization that we didn't fight hard enough?

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…what a fucking pathetic piece of shit our country is… we went from front runners for civil rights movement of 60-70s to politically passive and finally politically impaired people, NAZIS taking our country state by state and school district by school district WITHOUT ANY RESISTANCE and only NAZIS on the march while democrats applauding Biden and waiting for a “blue wave”, we can’t just live in a democracy from election to election we have to sustain its progress, there’s no such thing as “status quo” in political climate, shit either goes “up” or “down” and we are in a such a deep hole that only delusional people can think elections alone can fix the country


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100% on point! Corruption in the Supreme Court is obvious!

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Alito, obviously is someone’s puppet! He has colleagues on the court who are equally guilty! May they go away soon!

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Great piece. More coverage of democrats will lift your spirits. I adopted my daughter’s pointer after it bit my grand daughter. Now grand daughter believes her Memere will bail anybody out for bad behaviour 😂

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Hands up, who’s surprised?

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Get this through your head; you do not live in a democracy, you live in an oligarchy. What you are arguing for is making the oligarchy explicit. Think for a second; why did the oligarchy wanted to be occulted before? Hmmm..... so much emotion...you better go eat some more chocolate.

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