Feb 22Liked by David Kurtz

So many delectable nuggets today David - thanks!

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If a frozen embryo is an "extrauterine child", well, an unfertilized ovum is an *in utero* pre-embryo, and enjoys the rights and protection of the unborn, and to pass it unfertilized during a women's menses is a "crime against God", surely.

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I had the same thought! BTW- Who is "god" anyway?

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Who is "god" anyway?

You may well ask...we are told that we all of us are "made in his image", so each of us then is a holographic "god"?

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We going to have very powerful crime...".

So much of what comes out of the Orange Gobshite's mouth are arrant lies, but this statement is the real deal. You bet we'll have "very powerful crime" nonstop for the next four - or more - years if he's elected, the criminal justice system be damned.

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Wondering how many republicans in the house and

senate, are compromised, in some way, by their ties to


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“In Alabama, women can now be forced to have babies they don’t want and can’t have babies that they do.”

This then is the whole point women must be ruled and controlled, they must be crushed to truly find their place in life. Republicans have believed this for a long time.

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Periodic reminder that thanks to the Founding Fathers’ dislike of majority rule, 45 can become 47.

I get powerless people finding fascism attractive but this guy? I get people not understanding that voting R is not the answer of any problem other than get richer if I was richer to begin with. But, again, anything but finding fPOTUS fully repulsive, I don’t know. Too depressing to think about much. 🤢

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The NYT frames the Smirnov arrest as ‘Hunter Biden’s troubles’ F’ing disgusting.

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Dear Lord and Little Fishes. The violent protestors in the BLM protests were committing STATE crimes and were in fact prosecuted. I hope he gets caught before he gets to far.

And a scary thought has occurred to me re that Bible-citing Alabama judge. The First Amendment prohibits CONGRESS from passing laws that violate it--including establishment of Religion, of course. Will our current crop of Extremes decide that it does NOT apply to the judicial branch, and they can make whatever judgements they like regarding establishing religion? (not to mention speech and right of assembly). Would they decide that presidential executive orders are immune from 1st Amendment restrictions.

There may be case law on this, but precedent is not a big deal with this crop.

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