Good morning, David...a stellar summary of where we are here in the US of A, and it's only February!

A yuuge lot for commentary, but let me open with this quote lifted from TAP and Harold Myerson's take on tRump likening his "situation" to that of the death of Alexei Navalny:

"If he truly believes he’s the same kind of victim as Alexei Navalny, he at least should have the decency to die."

And to that tens of millions of Americans say, AMEN!

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Hunter Biden's lead attorney, Abbe Lowell, wasted little time in filing several motions in federal court apropos the Smirnov - or is it "Smearnov - revelations, stating that the latter would imperil a fair trial, and all but accused USA Weiss of initially "following Smirnov down his rabbit hole of lies"...oof!

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Democrats need to stop appointing Republicans as Special Prosecutors. Somehow, they continue to think - against all evidence - that this will result in a fair investigation. Going back to Bill Clinton, this has been untrue every time.

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Trump likens himself to Navalny? Then by all means,

you orange yam, a 7x10 ft concret cell in Siberia for you,

with 2 boiling cups of water

and 2 pieces of bread as your

daily(?) ration. No phone, no

TV, nothing! Definitely no golf.

Am truly hoping and praying

Mikey Johnson has a real

Come to Jesus Devine

Intervention while he's on

vava in LA.

Thank you, David. Great TPM


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Note to Mr. Zwillich, if you are a willing participant you are not being used.

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‘I don’t know if there will be a Republican Party [in 2024], do you?’ POTUS always knew the depths Rethugnicans would go to undermine him. Kaitlyn Collins proved her rookie status for the ages when she didn’t follow up in Geneva.

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AL Supreme Court: An embryo is an "extrauterine child"...wait, say what?? Jessica Valenti is ALL Over this ruling...check her Substack today...


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“I am Nevalny”.

How exasperating 😡

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"I am Navalny", and "I am Jesus"...wadda guy!

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