What Chutkan needs to do is rule all the evidence germane. Send it back to $CROTUS and make those traitors own it.

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But also she started to describe why Tabasco was right. She knows her stuff

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Re: gumbo

The Great Migration brought a lot of folks from Louisiana and east Texas to Oakland, so I'd say chances are pretty good that young Kamala Harris was exposed to the real deal early on in life.

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There's another solution to the gumbo question: marry a Loosiana Lady who's a great cook and turn her loose in the kitchen at home whenever she has a mind to recall her roots. Friends from Louisiana cut off from home cooking here in California used to never turn down a dinner invitation at our house.

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Chutkan will deal with this


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The "Just Security" legal team have put together a compelling scenario for Judge Chutkan to follow, incorporating all the adjustments SC Smith made in issuing the superseding indictment pursuant to the Scotus tRump immunity decision. But, as usual, several caveats due to Scotus preserving for itself the final say, pending the usual tRump appeals of whatever the judge allows to go to trial.

There is no win/win here, as the pro-tRump Court majority can willy-nilly tweak the district court's decisions whenever tRump loses a motion to dismiss on immunity grounds, regardless how careful and meticulous the prosecution advances its case.

Nothing will happen, until tRump definitively loses in November, then the pressure's off Scotus to cover tRump's arse, and eventually Jack Smith will get his trial.


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The pressure will be off SCOTUS to cover Trump's arse when Trump's arse is in a box.

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The idea that a cuisine can't be made ell anywhere outside of its place of origin is an idea as old and stale as some NY bagels.

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The world has turned. My wife and I shared some serious gumbo in downtown Minneapolis last Wednesday, and I'm itching for a reason to go back. We've got cuisines from all over the world, true to form and made to order, brought to us by the immigrants and regional transplants our state is known for.

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An opinion subject to change or disavowal no later than sometime in January 2025: we might be hitting a loop here:

Trump’s ratings tank. (Given that increased knowledge about him tends to push his poll numbers down while increased knowledge about her pushes Kamala’s up, this shifting is to be expected.)

He acts to as they say reinforce the base.

This involves yet more inappropriate acting (a euphemism there).

He repels yet more people.

Continues to tank.

🤞🏻 this tanking continues to the One Poll that Matters, eg the election.

One would like to think killing a couple of hundred thousand Americans to protect his self-esteem would repel enough voters to ensure a large enough Electoral College victory for the Dem candidate that even SCOTGOP wouldn’t fuck with the election. I’m sure I’m wrong on that; I mean, it certainly looks like there’s a majority there for giving Donnie everything he wants because they’re that devoted to an anti-democratic fascist America…

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Interesting observations! My grandma was from lakeshore and would fully agree!

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Important to recognize the number of Louisiana transplants in Oakland? I've known a few.

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There's more than one kind of gumbo, even below the pine tree line (a sensible boundary). Best not to order gumbo outside it's home territory.

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It's 2024. Must we still see "But can she cook?" pieces on female candidates for political office?

I thought you knew better.

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This Louisiana born person hears you! Haven’t lived there in ages, but will only eat gumbo back home or that I have made myself.

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