Please oh please oh please I want that writ of mandamus posthaste.

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Apr 3Liked by David Kurtz

Thank you for your work. It must be especially hard to write on some mornings when there is so much suffering and danger in our world. I appreciate you bringing your perspective to us all.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

And just who are the law enforcement members in uniform behind him? So the cities and towns that fund their offices and salaries can properly allocate tax dollars to cover the lawsuits that will allege that their presence in uniform at this rally indicates that these officials support violating the constitutional rights of those they swore an oath to serve and protect.

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This after his "Jan6 patriots" beat the living shit out of Capitol Police charged with protecting the building and its lawful inhabitants. Guess those cops don't count, only goon squads that crash through Black people's homes and shoot anything that moves, including the family dog, get the full tRump stamp of approval and promised "immunity", beyond the legally established "qualified immunity" that already protects cops from criminal prosecution for atrocities committed "on the job". Jesus, is there no end to this guy's scheming for a mini-Third Reich?

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Further proof that the average cop in small-town America cannot be trusted further than you can see him/her with your eyes closed.

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I don't agree that Trump would win if the election were held today. It's propaganda disseminated by foreigners.

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The media still falls for reality TV stagecraft. Any reference to WSJ should note its owner (Rupert Murdoch, the most dangerous man on the planet says POTUS).

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May escape those enthralled with Mr Trump, but if elected our children and theirs will pay the price he and his jackboot followers are bringing to our nation. We are presently reliving the events of 1930s Germany.

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Today must be "Pile On Aileen Cannon Day", as several Substack writers and the NYT have written critical pieces focussing upon her legally nonsensical "PRA instructions to the jury" scenarios. SC Smith has NO choice to to stop playing nice and go all Full Monty on the *judge*, and, boy, does he have the ammunition. Smith is backed into a corner, and to save his case, has to come out swinging, and swinging for the fences. This is a no-brainer, as Cannon's persistence in fusing the PRA with the Espionage Act has ZERO basis in settled law, and must be confronted head-on, well before jury selection - whenever the fading prospect for that process will EVER take place.

Take it to her, Jack, nothing to lose but your entire case, mate!

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Wouldn't it be nice if this incompetent bimbo was driving home tonight and got hit by an 18 wheeler?

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Wall Street Journal polls are as worthless as anything else produced by Rupert Murdoch's Fascism Inc. factory.

Oh how I wish that back in 1917, the young Australian Flying Corps pilot who was shot down over the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates had not survived the crash, to be found by the Iraqi fisherman and returned to civilization. He wouldn't have been put on that hospital ship back to Australia, wouldn't have met that nice nurse who he asked to marry him at the end of the voyage, and Rupert Murdoch would never have been born.

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Jack Smith. 😁👍 11th circuit in Cannon's future.

You've got to think a bit outside the box with Trump

and his "advisors". Stephen Miller is so deep into this nasty brew, it's on the boil.

Trump's "spokesman", Cheung is in pretty deep too.

Then you have Trump's world

traveling "envoy", visiting all

the authoritarians; Grendel.

A Hitler/Orwellian future in

2025? Laying the ground work.

Thank you David for an up

to date synopsis.

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Ah, but are those cops behind trump all CHRISTIAN cops? Inquiring minds want to know. 🙄

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They're small-town cops, so yes.

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