Oh my gosh…where’s the readership? Such a well authored daily piece. 🙂‍↕️

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Unfortunately this is yet another demarkation on the very long continuum of corruption and craven partisanship by this “justice” in particular and the rightwing SCOTUS more generally. We can easily identify the problem. My question is how do we fix it? As Heather Cox Richardson recently noted, people under 55 have never known a truly democratic system, one that works for the people. You can’t just tell people to vote and vote harder when the courts have been hijacked by partisans and when the fundamental problems in our government remain practically unchanged to the point of a near standstill. Vote, yes, of course, and vote blue all the way, hopefully. But we need more. We need an anti-corruption agenda backed up by real commitments and action. Where are the calls from Democratic senators for Alito and Thomas to resign? Where are the senate investigations of Trump’s latest scandal, the bribery of big oil execs? Shouldn't the senate use its majority and have the oversight committee investigate? Unlike the House Dems, they actually have subpoena power. We need our own project 2025, one that has not only vision but a commitment to action for anti-corruption and real democracy. Actions over outrage.

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Blames it on his wife - BS on steroids!

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And she is like him - she couldn't have stayed with him as long as she has if she wasn't. Like the old saying goes, "Birds of a feather, flock together." I hope every political illiterate alleged "progressive" who had to "vote my conscience" back in 2000 with a vote for Nader, the result of which was Bush II putting this fascist scumbag Alito on the court, takes note of the result of their political illiteracy and personal megalomania, putting themselves above the good of the country.

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Votes do have consequences! People don’t think period!

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The Congressional meeting that "devolved into a screaming match of a kind seldom seen on the Hill" is a must-watch video by your readers if they want to see what our Congress has come to. Chairman Comer had absolutely NO control over these members.

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I loved Raskin's response. And it all started with MTGrotesque yapping, in a hearing on Garland, about Judge Merchan's daughter, which Ms. Crockett rightly asked what it had to do with the hearing.

I have not been able to find anywhere, btw, what Merchan's daughter actually makes. She has CLIENTS who are FUNDRAISERS who haul in lots for the Democrats. Only a Republican could think that she takes all those funds for herself, right Lara?

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The video from the House was hilarious and extremely sad at the same time.

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Alito getting a ton of stick for the flag incident...a big shrug, then..."the wife done it". Bob Menendez on trial for corruption..."not me, mate, the wife done it".

Cowardly, ethically corrupt pigs hiding behind "the wife".

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"Many of the leaders of the Proud Boys, who led the attack on the Capitol, are now in jail after being convicted on seditious conspiracy charges."

What I find specially grating is that if members of BLM had ever been charged with seditious conspiracy, these same people would demand no less than their executions.

Justice is justice, regardless of the color of your hat.

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Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is set to expire December 31, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

The morbidly wealthy one percent of America is about to lose their precious tax cuts unless Trump is re-elected.

Look no further than Justices Thomas and Alito as to whom is getting payoffs so Trump gets the win this November.

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one can only wonder how many Wall Street Journal readers will find the folks who clean their toilets and mow their lawns gone if trump's deportation scheme happens. Not to mention where they will get lettuce and other veggies for their salads. Oh, there may be some lettuce--at a high price--so everyone can then scream about inflation.

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David, thank you for the great report. I just have no words

I can write and remain a lady

concerning Alito, Menendez,

Gaetz & pals and that House


Have a wonderful weekend.

PS: If we can retake the House and hold or expand the Senate and most of all,

get Biden 4 more years, we

can pressure all of them

concerning SCOTUS and the

changes needed there 😉

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