I read through all 165 pages of the SC filing released by Judge Chutkan, and what struck me is the inclusion of multiple pages of direct testimony from Mike Pence detailing the enormous pressure applied by tRump for the former to subvert the Electoral Count Act for the purposes of "disqualifying" or otherwise refusing to accept the legitimate electoral votes from several key states. Pence repeatedly attempted to tell tRump that for him - Pence - to do anything other than his simple "ministerial duties' would be unconstitutional and illegal, but tRump brushed it all aside and demanded that Pence "do the right thing"...ironically, Pence ultimately did the "right thing" and did certify Joe Biden's EC majority.

Jack Smith lays out in excruciating detail the entirety of events leading from the initial efforts immediately after the election to interfere with the actual ballot-counting, thence to attempt to enlist several "battleground" state officers and legislators to somehow contrive to assemble "fake electors" - and documents are included where tRump lawyers and campaign officials use those words exactly - to supplant the duly appointed electors as signed off by states' governors; when those ploys failed, it was the Mike Pence option, and when that failed, tRump resorted to fomenting mob action upon the Capitol. In particular, Smith includes tRump's "2:24 p.m. tweet", that faulted Pence for failure to "send back" state electors and derail the count...and which then led the mob to demand Pence's head.

What a fascinating and chilling document, and if the MSM doesn't make use of it in its entirety, and publicize it with the energy it committed to "Hillary's emails", they then will have failed the American people and their duty and obligations as "the Fourth Estate".

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"the Fourth Estate" lolololololol more like the Fifth column.

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Thank you David for your

opening essay. I have read

Jack Smith's filing and smiled

at his referrals to Federalist

Papers/James Madison, the

Constitution and President

Lincoln. Too bad Chief

Justice Roberts ignored

these in his "rule for the

ages", that may come back

and bite.

I also read the report on the

long term deaths from

hurricanes. Very sobering.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by David Kurtz

David, thank you for your talent to eloquently paint, with words, these stories of our history.

Out of this chaos, TPM represents the possibility of creating a new mainstream media.

Think big for the half of we voters that think critically toward that future, please…..”an ethical version of the NYT”

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Oct 3Liked by David Kurtz

Your “The Story of What Happened..” encapsulates in such a precise and eloquent way where we are and how this relates to our origins as a country. The enemy is now within, in a way I would never have imagined. I have copied it to save and share. It is so heart-breakingly true, and still so shocking.

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Oct 3Liked by David Kurtz

What an eloquent summation of where we find ourselves. Setting the memory of Jan 6, among other constitutional milestones, well frames the event above the distraction of news cycles. I will be sharing this concise TPM takeaway widely.

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Two quickies: the first couple of pages of the Smith submission is recommended reading. For litigators, it’s some great drafting: especially clear and to the point. You know: the opposite of elite newspapers’ style where the goal is to bury the lead as much as possible.

Now waiting to see how a majority as SCOTUS explains how a POTUS has immunity for electoral fraud in the course of subverting an election. Because you know a decision like that is coming. Meanwhile, the submission is now out there.

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My concern is they’re playing the long game. Next GOP prez will know the rules (thank you SCOTUS) and act accordingly.

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They’ve been playing the long game for decades while the Party of Clinton decided that retooling the Democratic Party to be more attractive to Republican special interests was a good thing.

Also shows in the Dems not making SCOTGOP too big an issue.

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Oct 4Liked by David Kurtz

Some powerful writing there, Mr. Kurtz. Thank you.

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I don't know what the next five weeks will bring, but in the last three days, I've experienced this (in Texas of all places):

--Volunteer Deputy Registrars working 60 hour weeks registering first time voters (in Texas, this must be done 30 days pre-election and on paper because...it's Texas).

--Volunteers arranging VR at apartment complexes.

--Block walk opportunities every single day.

--Post carding out the gazoo, so we can also impact swing state elections

And, again, my heroes:

--Election workers, who are adding weekend days/hours to get in every single voter.

--Precinct chairs working day in and day out

--Volunteers tacking registration applications to bulletin boards on college campuses (in addition to tabling, which is now not something Texas universities support)

--Journalists like TPM. Thank you. (Many "higher end" outfits have failed miserably.)

I'm 72 and I'm tired. I'm working as hard as I did when I retired ten years ago, but I'm not working as hard as my husband did when he was in Vietnam.

Yes, we're giving this our all, but, by golly, we can't let these crazies dishonor the honorable people who came before.

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Many thanks to those tireless people 👍

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Another day, another nail in the coffin of Garland. WTF did we do to deserve this?

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It's horrifying to me that so many in our country want to be lied to and gaslighted rather than deal with facts and reality 😔

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Thanks to this hard working team and to you, David. You're performing a much needed service to our citizens 💙 👏

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