what a roundup! thank you David, most illuminating, most illuminating.

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Not who has their hand over the heart and who does not and is making a face! Even Melania has her hand on heart.

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Note who has hand over heart--

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From Josh Kovensky's TPM live-blogging of tRump's sentencing today:

"He rehashes a lot of what he’s said before: that the business records falsification charge was bogus. “For this, I got indicted. It’s terrible actually.”

And from there, Trump eventually strikes a tone that manages to combine pleading with boasting: “I got the largest number of votes by far by any Republican in history, and won, as you know, all seven swing states — won conclusively all seven swing states.”

There is more of a tone of neediness in his voice here than I’ve really ever heard."

"...I won, as you know, all seven swing states....". This, as part of a convicted felon's remarks to the presiding judge before the sentence is passed. Any lingering questions on tRump's current state of mind and lack of contrition is neatly summed up by Kovensky's coverage and well worth a read:


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I prefer the photo angle of the funeral where Trump is hidden behind a pillar.

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I don't understand why Aileen Cannon's ruling, which I've heard she has no right to make, is not getting thrown out, or ignored if that is true.

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I know you have to link to your source, but in the case of the NYT, I'll have to take your word for it since, without a subscription, I can't read the article.

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I'm not sure why there is any race to release the Mar-A-Lago case report. Joe Biden could order the release of the report and there's not one goddamn thing anybody could do about it afterwards.

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Yes! A big red capital F for

convicted FELON on Trump's

chest for ever how long. It's

there and he can't wash it off.

Friday here on the mountain

and we had 34 inches of

snow in this deep red south

state in 24 hrs. No plows or

snow blowers. Lots of snow

to shovel.😁 Have a great


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Memo to the Ghost of Daniel Ellsberg: can you please fill someone at DOJ with the needed access with your patriotic spirit and power them to do the correct thing?

As for SCOTUS and the NYS case: other than the defendant being a once and future POTUS is no relevant federal issue — including that POTUS thing. While the GOP majority is fully capable of pulling such shit as they wish, the law notwithstanding, finding a case for themselves here would have taken a lot, clearly too much for more than four.

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