"Democrats will never be bipartisan enough to satisfy the demands of DC political journalists..."

How can Democrats be 'bipartisan' when there is only one legitimate political party left in the USA? There is nothing of value left in the GOP cult to work with.

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I voted today! Stood in line for 2 hours, but got it done on the first day. Did my part to turn Texas blue!!!

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Let's not forget who owns the

WSJ! Fascism is stalking our


Alongside of DJT, Elon Musk

is a very clear and present

danger in our country. IMHO,

all these gov't contracts of

his should be postponed until

further notice and all $

frozen. Same for his BFF Thiel

and anything techie he may

have going. Talk about foxes

in the hen house!


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Meanwhile, the editorial board of the WSJ today says that the fascist threat by Donald is a gaslighting exercise as it ignores Jan. 6 and Trump's "enemies from within" including the former Speaker of the House. https://www.wsj.com/opinion/the-fascist-meme-returns-donald-trump-election-voters-5e513359?mod=hp_opin_pos_2

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I really wish that all your videos were not from Twitter (X) - I refuse to be a Twitter (X) user, but would like to see some of these postings. What about using links to YouTube when available on that platform?

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That WaPo-Schar School poll is the only "good news" poll I've read this morning, as numerous "forecasting" polls have all flipped to tRump, and FWIW, the trend line for Harris has incrementally but steadily moved downward since mid-September. It seems coincidental that tRump's apparent upticking has been in line with his ever-increasing openly fascistic anti-immigrant and "lock them all up" campaigning...I mean, is his dangerous messaging actually persuading a small but significant chunk of voters to lean his way?

Had been optimistic for a while, but what I'm seeing lately is - as they say - reasons for concern.

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Does anyone else remember the 60s professor [ M McLuan - ? name ] on TV in US culture: the medium is the message?

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He appeared in "Annie Hall" - Woody's character Alvy is carrying on about McLuhan as he stands in line to go to a movie with Annie, and at the end, Marshall McLuhan - who has been standing in line ahead of him, turns and says "You know nothing of my work."

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Only the name: Marshall McLuhan

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How was MTG on InfoWars? I thought even the name had been taken from Alex Jones.

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Trump repeatedly spouts claims about his “enemies” but never backs them up. It’s easy to say someone is lying, crooked, or worse. Why hasn’t he been called out on these baseless claims?

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