“Morning Memo won’t be led around by the nose on the basis of Trump’s rantings and ravings about things his legal team refuses to adopt formally.”


Pls help mainstream media to join this tactic to take O2 away from the (fill in your noun).

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Thank you! I was also going to say the same thing. MSM get with it!

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DOJ wants to try this case in the court room while Defendant-1 wants to try his case in the green room, tonight's ruling will be about which venue it will be.

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Excellent David. Great start to the week.

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David, the Weekend Court Orders are not a "kerfuffle". The Defendant's Reply Brief is due at 5pm Eastern. As I have posted many times already on several Platforms, "Do not mess with Tanya" much less threaten her directly including the prospective Witneses in her Court. Hannibal Lector tools are not needed ... yet.

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