Feb 7Edited

Funny, Sen. Tom Collins (or Sen. Whiskey Sour, can't keep them straight) said on PBS News Hour last night that the president COULD take down USAid because it was established by executive order. They just love to lie don't they? p.s. What a wonderful poem. We need it. Thank you.

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An inspiring and wonderful poem!❣️Many, many thanks.

God bless us, everyone


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Thanks, David!

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Thank you for Alberto Rios, David.

Purge = Coup = by any other

name is still a Coup.

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That’s how Trump sees himself. Master of the Apprentice.

You are right. You should say it as it is. Trump is purging all government departments. Where are those people going to work?


an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people.

Yes a perfect description of what that monster is doing.

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Thank you so much for all these updates David. And for ending with that beautiful poem!

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Exactly. Words matter and "we" keep using the wrong ones. Elon's cyber-terrorists are not "engineers." They are criminal hackers.

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Guy is a flaming assole

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I think you were right the 1st time....3 centuries. He seems to think this is all a game. Is he cognizant enough to know the complete damage he is doing? Well, RePlugs in congress know and do not care.

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As Orwell knew, language, word choice are absolutely part of the dystopia. It's sane washing. Play-acting as president like play-acting on the Apprentice.

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If these jobs have already been funded by Congress, the purges cant be legal, can they? Why cant Congress or the Judiciary stop this BS?

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A look into Edward Christine’s past and recent experience with Federal Hires will bring pause!!

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