How is it possible, that a

decrepit 81 year old

President, could pull off such

a major prisoner swap with

arch enemy Russia, and the

bloated, racist, syncophant,

ex-president couldn't manage

it while in office? Could it be

he didn't have the attention

span of a gnat to get it done

after insulting every major

foreign partner we have?

So proud of President Biden!

So happy all came back to

their families.

Trump's lawyers must be

running low on cash.

I find it exceedingly odd that

the name Mueller and

investigations keep popping

up and getting quashed when1

Trump was in the WH.

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Can't you just type your comments normally?

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That's nice. Why not just skip right over my comments and

I'll do the same for you.👍

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Sorry but it just seems like you are trying to call attention to yourself instead of just letting people read what they wish. And it's annoying to have to do all that scrolling because you just want to be noticed.

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Please block me. You don't know me. You know nothing about me. Do not judge me.

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When can we expect this headline?: "Why the prisoner release negotiated by the Biden Administration could spell trouble for Kamala Harris: vicious Russian assassin also set free".

Marinating already in right-wing media, MSM could run with it.

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In hindsight, I’m starting to think Joe was serious when he said he’d be a 1 term President. He, Clyburn probably planned it, with Nancy and Chuck in the loop. The media was all excited on Dems in disarray. Joe waited until Rs spent time and money on a convention of felons, believing they were running against Joe. Joe backs out, endorses Kamala, and poof a movement is born! The money and excitement is through the roof. Joe outplays the shitty media. 🔥🔥🔥😎 Happy to say I fell for it, until I saw that twinkle in old Joe’s eye!

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Democrats very need to pass so many needed laws, including judiciary reforms and voting rights laws, thankfully Manchin and Sinema, the two hapless “former democrats” will be gone next year and the 60 votes filibuster rule and Republican cudgel will finally be gone.

How Manchin and Sinema somehow never saw how the 60 votes rule was simply enabling Republicans to say no to everything for the last 40 years I simply don’t understand. Very little interests the modern congressional Republican Party beyond tax cuts, easily passed with the 50 votes required (financial) reconciliation bills.

The immigration/border security bill, which Sinema “negotiated” with Lankford for, gave him almost everything the Republicans wanted and little that Democrats prioritized,not even legal protections for Dreamers. Republicans marveled that the bill was nothing like they could have gotten if they were the ones to approach Democrats for such a law. And then the Republicans voted against the bill! Ridiculous.

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Mazerati Manchin is a creep

in deep with coa/gasl and

through his daughter, the 1

pharmaceutical industry. He's


Sinema big into the stock

market and as far as I know,

never did a thing for her

constituents. She's a weird

one and glad to see both


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So glad for sure. Sinema ran for the Senate as a progressive! Ugh what a severe disappointment she was. Am glad not glad Manchin gone, holding 51 seats and having the majority outright would be easier. But yeah. Only need a simple majority to change the filibuster rule and the vp would do nicely for that. But is what is.

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It is what it is, but with that

MAGA running against

Manchin, there was no way

he could hold his seat. He

did too much grifting and

back stabbing to be trusted

anymore. He certainly didn't

do a darn thing for the people

in W. VA.

Read John Sanford's Gray Mountain sometime. That'll

give you a good idea of what

W. VA's like.

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I read about the Egyptian money thing years ago, maybe on Al Jazeera's website. Never saw a followup anywhere. And I think it was the Central Bank of Egypt, not the National Bank.

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