Mahmoud Khalil: His greatest sin...not having "a personal relationship with *President* tRump".

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We are coming up on a Senate vote that will provide one of the few chances to throw a log in front of the Trump runaway train. Forty-one senators need to vote against a six-month CR which will give Trump an unfettered 6-month pass to smash more things. A one-month CR will give multiple chances to expose Trump as a bunch that is ignoring congressional budgets. It will also provide clear evidence that will support intervention by the courts.


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Michelle Goldberg: “If someone legally in the United States can be grabbed from his home for engaging in constitutionally protected political activity, we are in a drastically different country from the one we inhabited before Trump’s inauguration.”

Good morning Michelle. And, DUH.

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What a sh*t show.

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"befools itself"


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R.I.P. Kevin Drum.

Thank you for passing along the news.

I feel like I've lost a good friend.

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This morning on Bloomberg Business Lawrence (Larry) Summers put the possibility of a

Global🌏Recession at more than 50%.

The S&P 500 has lost 1 Trillion dollars in market value since 2/19/25 Biden's last day in Office.

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There you go--Biden's fault for leaving! Biden recession! 😖

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Unfortunately, the ADL seems to support the Trump administration’s deportation order of Mr.Khalil, not understanding the free speech is the best protection for Jews and other minorities. In fact, the order has absolutely nothing to do with fighting antisemitism. And we shouldn't forget that Trump socializes with neo-Nazis and uses antisemitic tropes. It's also worth reading Timothy Snyder's analysis of the trump, Vance, Zelenskyy meeting as anti-semitic.

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Befool or befoul?

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Law is now not just a matter of "personal relationships with trump." It is now dependent of "personal beliefs" of assorted officials. Rubio approved the arrest of Khalil based on his "personal belief" that Khalil supported Hamas. While the a green card can be revoked if "Secretary of State has reasonable ground to believe would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences" there is a little matter about how whatever Khalil did had a potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequence. It sure didn't CHANGE US foreign policy--sadly. If it didn't change it, how did it have an adverse effect?

When are we going to see grants to universities revoked because of failure to protect Muslim students?

Despite Judge Ali's injunction, Rubio has announced that most USAID grants have been stopped.

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