This was a great rundown.

I hope all the people who demand that Democrats “do more!” will support the Dem withdrawal of support for the CR.

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Happy Mardi Gras from a fellow former Louisianan! Checked in with friends there today.

Instead of listening (can’t watch!) the orange wonder I am catching up on your newsletter, as well as Joyce Vance, Heather HCR, Jess Cravens, Judd Legum, among others. Writing letters/postcards to voters. Sure I will hear all about the address tomorrow…sigh. tRUMP only has one speech anyway. Call my Senator (R) several times a week to give him my thoughts and questions. Wrote to the White House twice to complain about his performance with Zelensky and to ask if anyone could possibly explain tariffs to our inept leader. And doing my best to have a life outside of all this.

ITMFA - Impeach the motherf* already!

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Happy Mardi Gras! Too bad we are getting storms today here in Oxford, MS so the only celebrations scheduled have been cancelled. I have lots of great memories of trips to New Orleans - a few made during Mardi Gras. We've also had several King Cakes delivered to our firm over the last couple of weeks so we've been able to enjoy those. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

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What you've given us today is a list of more reasons for impeachment...

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Why is this not treason? Why is no one not taking action? Who would initiate process?

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I keep ranting that Trump and his appointees are clinically, pathologically insane. I’m clearly not just correct but my number’s far too low by many magnitudes: https://claireberlinski.substack.com/p/impeach-him?utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&triedRedirect=true

And speaking of infantile behavior, the pattern of Trump’s life: bad behavior results in no push back or discipline. Still. The tariffs have nothing more to do than him showing he can do whatever he wants full stop.

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What Trump is doing has been characterized as revenge for being investigated for his lawless actions. It no doubt is that to a large degree. His pettiness and warped outlook are too much in control of him to be overcome. He swept into office like it’s his own personal fiefdom, with proprietary rights to the country’s institutions, instead of as their protector.

We are in a desperate place now. He could be handled by our constitutional system but for the support of this corrupt administration by elected Republicans and especially the conservative wing of the Supreme Court. That is what we are up against and they need to be held accountable by our constant and unrelenting criticism of everything they do so they realize how much of the country rejects them.

Vance got a taste of what I mean in Vermont recently. That should be the atmosphere wherever they go until they realize it’s not their country to ruin.

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The baby in the white house ,is caring out his plans to kill america . Through all the firings , killing government spending on people who were doing their jobs . It will come back to haunt traitor stump . Great post ,David and TPM .peace to all there

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Trump is a traitor phasing military equipment to Ukraine--that's aiding and abetting!  What now? Impeach, but that won't happen. Still, there's always Something you can do besides calling reps and senators, protesting, making signs, donating, etc. Here's a thought I had: What can an ordinary Missourian do about this Oval Office Trump-Vance debacle and America-to-the-world embarrassment? 

Here's what I tried--a direct apology to President Zelensky via the Ukraime embassy WDC: Sent email today to Ukraine Embassy WDC, in part (full name and location included) "Attn: The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States of America Subject: Apology to President Zelensky Dear Madam Ambassador Markarova: On behalf of myself and the majority of American people standing for the freedom of Ukraine, may I request that the following subject apology be forwarded to President Zelensky: Please apologize to President Zelenskyy for the shameful behaviour of President Trump and Vice-President Vance on Feb. 28, 2025. It was a despicable, pre-coordinated setup ambush by two bullies against one courageous man standing tall. Trump and Vance have forever stained the sacred honor of the Oval Office. Thank you. Sincerely, (Ordinary American citizen)" s/s (full name and location, Farmington, MO)

Do something.  Anything.  Never give up.

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The fact is that legacy media(ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN)continues in their effort to sane-wash everything that KKKomrade KKKrasnov and his "revenge tour" administration does is beyond fecklessness

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"Do something.  Anything.  Never give up."

I'm liking the "Seven Days in May" option myself, as the Elno/PINO regime is driving this country off a cliff, and in doing so is creating massive national security endangerments...can't help believing that ranking military officers aren't talking about "reordering priorities" and a return to constitutional government.

Can't happen here? Well, the imposition of American-style oligarchical fascism "couldn't happen here", but look around - it's happening. Everything is on the table now, folks, don't let us kid ourselves.

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Why is it that we Democrats can't get their shit together and not help pass that resolution. Let the GOP fail all on their own. There seems to be zero ability to work together with Democrats working with other democrats. Work as a team and not singly and don't let anyone over 35 be in charge! You all can learn a lot from AOC and Jasmine Crockett. The aged over 55 in congress (seems like it's 75% of current congress) don't seem to he able to transition for the moment.

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In the Mardi Gras photo, are those white robes innocent costumes, or the Ku Klux Klan?

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Name and shame the credible media outlets buying Trump’s Zelenskyy b.s.

Are we talking CNN? ABC et al? They need to be called out, not just criticized in a generalized and consequently sloppy fashion.

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Did Vance set up both Trump and Zelinskyy? Nice picture of the prez being unbelievably rude to a man who has seen children, women, and men tortured and killed by the Russians. Rude because he said Putin did not keep his word and we have all seen, over and over, how Trump does not keep his. (Eg., project 2025, never heard of it.).

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