We are destined to hear about presumption of innocence ad nauseum. Just remember that only applies to the jury and the officers of the court. The rest of us are free, indeed obligated, to presume whatever the heck we want. We are also going to hear all the Claire McCaskills of the world lecture us that this is a "dark day" for the nation. No it isn't. It's a god given glorious day! Revel in it!

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Half the country supports Trump??? No. Maybe 30% and it's not a number that grows. Even at the January 6 trials trumpian jurors followed the law and convicted.

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That old phrase, "Thou protests too much" is indicative of Trump, the GOP

and a lot of MSM. I think Jack

Smith must have a pretty solid case and can prove the

FACTS of it. That's just Florida. And for heavens sake, don't count out all the

Dems who live in any area down there, who could serve

on a jury. OR for that matter,

disenfranchised Reps and


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