Message to Bernie Moreno - women and their families are "here" to talk about abortion.

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After Biden’s impressive presser and VP Harris’s strong campaign speech yesterday, we have the solution to the Dem’s dilemma.

The strong Biden-Harris TEAM — his incredible foreign policy credentials + her vigor and experience as a prosecutor.

Biden and Harris should appear together at campaign events this weekend and during the RNC convention. We have a strong dynamic TEAM. They have Trump and Project 2025.

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Women of Ohio

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Point Star Payoff - We'll see.

Any acts committed before

gold plated yam took before

he wiped his dirty feet on our

country, Constitution and

people are not covered under

the recent deplorable

SCOTUS get out of jail free


You get what you vote for

people and if you don't vote

BLUE up and down ballot in

Nov, you are going get what

you do/don't vote for.

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I sent a pro-Biden staying post to a non-Biden voter (who is in CA and her vote for a 3rd candidate won’t count) responding angrily: It will be the Dems’ fault when fascism takes over.

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I detest the dweebs, dolts, dorks, dumbasses, and dildos of the DC Diaper Democrats so much! I want to grab each one of these bimbos and smack their face so hard their head bobbles, and yell in their face, "Wake the fuck up you fuckwit! Off your dead ass and onto your dying feet you coward! Get to work!!!" And then kick them in their fat ass so hard it launches then 10 feet. These scum are why I quit working as a "professional" Democrat 45 years later, and they're only more numerous now than they were then. And the know-it-all "progressives" as they believe themselves to be among voters who support this crap are proof of the Dunning-Krueger Effect.

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I wish that everyone of voting age actually understood how presidents are chosen: it’s the electoral college. It most fundamentally is not the fault of people who vote for Democrats if the democratic candidate loses. If the blaming-person is just mad that some hand behind the curtain did not pull the primary winner off the ticket and insert someone else, she might actually prefer an autocracy

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Another spot on commentary as this is precisely what Trump is doing as I also point out in my analysis of the immunity ruling and its effect for Raw Story to be posted tomorrow.

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Tristan Snell made a great point: Biden is taking on the media and SCOTUS…both are unpopular and untrustworthy by the majority of voters, and Joe is going to win big. Sadly, I put TPM in that category of late. Tristan also praised Joe for making a NATO presser covered by media, cornering media to cover actual news.

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Latest references -- I think the last I saw was Josh Marshall Wednesday evening -- is that the little people are failing to find the media hysteria and Democrat hysteria persuasive.

One would like to think that the little people need more than an old guy acting his age (without more) to feel a need to vote for an unfit, insane monster instead of the old guy.

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So Trump can't decide if the cases against him were rigged and he's innocent, or that he's guilty but was just doing his job. Got it.

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Gee David, why didn't you

post a free link to the

NYTIMES editorial post.🙄 A

wowser. Joyce Vance has it

on her morning substack.

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It's the single best way the Times can make it up to Biden for trashing him. Too bad they kept it behind their paywall.

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If you go to Joyce Vance

Substack/Civil Discourse,

it's a free article.

You don't have to be a

member to pick it up.

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I know. That's how I knew about it. Thanks.

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Well, it seems that the best way to get out of a murder rap is to hire the witness to it when you become president and then argue that she can't testify as to what she saw BEFORE you became president. Or talk to the CFO of your own company about the best way to cover up the murder, a plan concocted by that CFO because, you know, the CFO is part of your government. Or write checks on a personal account because, you know, you did it in the Oval Office or the Residence. From this it follows that if you knowingly bounce a check to pay your Visa bill while sitting in the Oval Office, Visa is helpless to get its money.

Yep, lots of official acts. And the jury was absolutely convinced by your tweets from your presidential account. Because you mainly claimed Cohen was a liar, and the jury took that to mean that they SHOULD believe Cohen. Yep.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Partly due to fear of being triggered, I have neither parsed SCOTUS’ POTUS immunity thing nor even dared to listen to my SCOTUS go-to pod, the Strict Scrutiny pod (plug). So I’m sussing here.

And what I suss is that the decision is full of mushy language, balancing support for the long term Republican lust for a one party state against legal sanity.

So tl;dr: I’d have to see SCOTUS find immunity re a state conviction for illegal acts committed by a candidate before he was elected -- that it immunity retroactive to a period before the election; that it continued following taking office, in a sane world, doesn’t make it retroactively covered.

Even in this era of insanity and cowardice, I’d like to think that such a finding would be too much for the Roberts court.

Of course, time will tell. But so far, it’s hitting me as a very unfunny joke.

Meanwhile, it seems that masses are failing our news media and aren’t yet persuaded that Biden particularly needs to dropout notwithstanding any preference for a younger POTUS as long as the younger dude isn’t Trump.

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What is this word salad? Never mind.

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Clarified, but it's unimportant, pretty much just venting. Also begs a question just how firm all the language in the decision really is as opposed to it being pretty much just dicta.

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