A piece of good news: regarding the Air Force's decision to remove the Tusleegee Airmen and the WASPs from education programs, there was a massive outcry to this from veteran's groups and people like me who have written the histories of these groups. In the face of this, Senator Katie Britt told alleged SecDef Pete Hegseth to do something. Hegseth was already getting flak about this. He announced this morning that the educational programs had been restored and said "the Tuskeegee Airmen and the WASPs will never not be a part of our warrior history."

Smacking these scumbags around when they practice their scumbaggery s always a good idea and can work. I even got people I know are Trumpers to express their outrage about this.

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Double negative from Hack Heg; kudos to the accurately patterned Flak.

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Creating fear and instilling

cruelty are the point with

Trump and his crew of


We knew it would be rough

and it will continue to be for

awhile. But we're tough too

and can go the course. We

can stand up and not bow

down. Each can do one small

thing to resist and persist.

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I’m so old that I remember when the Roberts court gave POTUS immunity for stuff like, do doubt, firing the IGs.

Too, if POTUS is unaccountable under the law, it really helps to get rid of the waste that are the people that would bust him or his lackeys anyway.

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On the 18 or more targeted "Inspector Generals" the issues are not about Wreck's immunity at all -- just compliance with existing notice statutory law that requires substantive actions.

Do not confuse Agit-Prop with real world political/legal realities.

Laws school Day 1:



PM Update:

Legal action against the autocracy's 'firing' [not] of 18 independent IG's has been initiated by the Chair of the Council of IG's, that wouldbe HANNIBAL"Mike" WARE.

The legal attack is not based on Wreck's numerous statutory violations as the independence of the Inspector Generals is the heart of the "IG Act".

do not comply with racist orders in advance. Fight Back lawfully.

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No, I’m very, very doubtful anyone will do anything about it.

Hrs going to be pulling the most incredible shot and no one will do anything to block anything from the top down to the voters.

Sure, there’ll be lip service. And no action.

Hope to be proven wrong, wouldn’t risk money betting I am.

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"before Colombia apparently relented.” Wait a day or two and everything changes. See Heather Cox-Richardson for details on what Columbia actually did.

Thank you for your straight-forward approach to the flood of information.

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Of course the felon dismissed the watchdogs his first week in office. What did we expect? This is dog bites man news and will be down the memory hole in a few news cycles anyway.

Why I'm more interested today is the Chinese AI news and the panic in the AI sector and on Wall Street. A rational Administration would take this in stride. But to irrational Trump, how it plays on Wall St is everything (just like Lindsay Graham - it's not that the J6 pardons are wrong in any way - they just "send the wrong signal") - so now we must anticipate whatever emerges from his feverish need to control the perception - and you know he will. Billions of dollars will be affected and God knows the effect on foreign relations and policy - all to prop up the fiction that "Wall St = the economy". This is the way we do things now. Disgusting

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